Who are the gods/goddesses of poetry and the arts?
The Muses
What's my name?
Bonus 1 point: Where am I originally from?
Haley (Ms.) Swanson
I'm originally from Texas
Rome is a city in what modern country?
BONUS 5 points: There is another entire country inside Rome. What is it? (You can phone a friend for this question)
Bonus: Vatican city
What is a verb?
An action word
What is a cyclops?
A giant with one eye in the middle of their forehead
Who is the god/goddess of time?
When is EVERYTHING due by?
The last day of the quarter
What is the name of the sea that surrounds Greece and Italy?
The Mediterranean
What does a pronoun do?
It is a word that replaces a noun. Like she, he, it, I, you...
A 3 (or 50!) headed dog that guards the gates of Hell
What is mother Earth's name and what is her husband, the Sky god's name?
Gaia and Ouranos
You get 3 grades each quarter, what are they?
Name the two holy mountains we have read about so far.
Mt. Olympus and Mt. Helicon
There - indicates a place, "over there"
Their - possessive form of they, "their team"
They're - contraction meaning "they are"
What is the Hydra? What is its special power?
It's a dragon with multiple heads, when one is cut off 2 more grow back!
Who is the god/goddess of desire?
What do I put on Google Classroom? Name at least 2 things.
The powerpoint slides, the texts we read in class, and anything else I hand out to you (like the syllabus and the extra credit directions)
What is the name of the under-underworld?
What punctuation mark do you use to indicate a strong pause or a more significant separation of sentence elements than a comma?
a semicolon (;)
Who is Echidna? Describe what he/she/it looks like.
Echidna is the mother of the monsters, she is half Nymph (beautiful woman) half serpent
There are two gods of the sun. What are their names?
Apollo and Helios
Explain your extra credit assignment, how many points is it worth? And what are the points added to?
A mini-book report and a photo/drawing of the book. It's worth 8 points and the points are added to your unit/quarter test
Name two modern countries that were part of the Roman Empire (Italy doesn't count).
I've mentioned several Greek/Latin root words so far. Name one and explain what it means
Theo = gods, Gon/gyn/gen = born of, Voc = speak/voice...
What 3 animals make up Chimera? What is its special power?
It's a lion, goat, snake/dragon that can breathe fire