Types of Reading Skills
Type of Writing Skills
Application of Reading Skills
Application of Writing Skills


pertaining to war; from the war god Mars


What are implicit and explicit meanings

Implicit: implied though not plainly expressed.

Explicit: stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt.


What are common narrative techniques?



Multiple Plot Lines


How do authors use archetypes through characters for development?

Archetypes are familiar, commonly used character types and situations in stories. Authors often use archetypal characters, like a protective mother or an evil villain, to help readers quickly understand these characters’ motivations and what they represent in the story. Authors also use archetypal situations, like a quest or an epic battle.


What is the importance of point of view, characterization, and tone?

Authors tell their stories through narration, the use of written or spoken words to convey a story. Authors use many narrative techniques—such as point of view, characterization, and tone—to relay their stories and to add emotion and beauty to their writing. Gothic Romantic fiction incorporates these elements in specific ways.





greatest height or point of culmination

a small remainder or evidence of something that once existed

to make a long oration or speak at length


what is the importance of analyzing character perspective?

Characters are integral elements in all narrative texts, but they are not all depicted in the same way. Authors give their characters different levels of development and complexity. One way authors give characters power is by assigning them a specific perspective, the attitudes, values, or opinions that influence the representation of a topic. Authors use perspective to

  • provide information about the characters, social situations, or topics of their works

  • indirectly express their own opinion through one or more characters

Characters in an author’s work can also have attitudes, values, or beliefs that create additional perspectives. Authors choose how their characters perceive and respond to the fictional world, and they make conscious choices about which character’s perspective will reflect the points they want to make. That information, in turn, affects the reader’s view of the characters and of the story’s meaning.


What are narrative techniques involving time?

Ticking Clock Scenario





What are skills for exploring narrative elements and text structure?

Explain and analyze the interaction of narrative elements in a story.

Explain and analyze the author’s use of textual structures.


What are strategies for drafting the resolution?

Incorporate narrative techniques wherever they enhance the narrative

Effectively resolve any tensions, conflicts, or problems developed in the story

End the story in a way that is appropriate for the Gothic Romantic genre





to censure or criticize severely; rebuke or punish

using tricks or deception to get something or achieve a goal

front part of the head; face


How do you determine central ideas and themes

Both subjects and central ideas are important in determining themes. Readers can first determine which subjects are developed in depth within a text. Those topics can then point readers toward what the central ideas are.


What are the 4 literary devices?






What are the most important aspects of comparing literary representations


parallel plots

flashback and foreshadowing


What are narrative techniques to use in your gothic romantic narrative?



Scene or Setting


Ticking Clock Scenario




indicating favorable conditions or suggesting the likelihood of good fortune

being impressively full and deep, usually referring to someone’s voice


How can you interpreting theme

As you read poetry, you will inevitably encounter more textual ambiguities than when you read prose. Poetry generally draws upon the power of figurative language, which captures beauty and adds meaning through symbolism and ambiguities. To be a diligent reader, you must learn to identify textual ambiguities, implied meanings, and central ideas, all of which can lead you to recognize themes. When you analyze a text’s central ideas and interpret its overall theme, you must ensure you support your analysis with strong and thorough textual evidence.


What are the major aspects of patterns of word change with affixes to identify word meaning

Base Words, Roots, and Affixes

Patterns of Change: Meaning and Part of Speech


What is the importance of using textual evidence?

Citing textual evidence is important because it requires the reader to support their ideas, questions, and claims with factual evidence rather than irrational notions.


What are 2 ways to revise a story?


Peer Review


What are the meanings of denotation, connotation and nuance?

The denotation of a word is its meaning that appears in the dictionary. The meaning is objective, with no associated negative or positive emotions surrounding it.

The connotation of a word is not found in the dictionary. Instead, it is the emotional association that a word carries with it and that has been attached to the word by people’s past experiences with it. A word’s connotation makes a reader’s response to a particular word emotionally positive or negative.

Nuance a subtle difference in or shade of meaning, expression, or sound.


What are skills for determining textual meaning?

Make, explain, and support inferences

Explain and justify the author’s use of ambiguities in the text

Cite strong and relevant textual evidence


Why is formatting important?

Formatting is important for two reasons: It makes your essay look like an essay (rather than a letter or a note to a friend). It helps to make your essay more readable.


What is the importance of exploring the opposite side of your claim?

Do Your Research on Both Sides of the Argument. Your audience may first reject your stance on an issue if you don't take the time to examine both sides of a debate. So before you begin writing your argumentative essay, do your research on both sides of the argument to have enough information for the assignment.


Why is pacing important?

pacing is important because it affects the mood of your story, helps develop ideas and themes, and allows your readers to connect to the characters and the events that surround them. While it might be easy to think that a fast pace will be most effective, the truth is that it depends on the story you're telling
