Topic Sentences 1
Topic Sentences 2
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What is a thesis statement? 

The topic of a passage 


What is a supporting detail? 

A supporting detail backs up the thesis statement or main idea. 

Sentences that support the thesis or big idea.

Expectable: Small details that link back to the thesis statement 


What is the purpose of a thesis statement?

Tells the reader the topic the passage will discuss. 


Why should I read the questions first?

To know what you are lookin for or annotating for


What's another word for topic? 



What is the topic of the paragraph below?

 Barack Obama will soon become the first U.S. president to visit Hiroshima. This proves he is a proud leader. More importantly, it will remind the world of how America has worked for peace since the end of World War II.

 Barack Obama will soon become the first U.S. president to visit Hiroshima.


What is the topic of this paragraph?

Obama’s journey is also an important moment for Japan. Together, the two countries will recognize the pain caused by the atomic bomb strikes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. And in doing so, they will show the world how countries can remain friends. Their 60-year-long partnership is one of many great American contributions to the world.

Together, the two countries will recognize the pain caused by the atomic bomb strikes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.


Based on this title, what do you infer the passage is about?

Title: Obama's visit to Hiroshima highlights the positive

Obama going to Hiroshima for a good reason 

Obama visiting Hiroshima/Japan for a good reason or to bring peace


What questions can you ask about the sentence below?

Japan and the U.S. will show the world how countries can remain friends.

How will they show other countries how to remain friends? 

How are the U.S. and Japan remaining friends?

An _______________ sentence expresses strong feelings or emotions.
What is an exclamatory sentence.

What is the topic of this paragraph? 

The United States dropped two nuclear bombs on Japan to end the war. One of the cities that was bombed was Hiroshima. Obama will see it with his own eyes. He will learn about the suffering the bombings caused. And in doing this, he will prove our countries' ties are unbreakable. Peace in Asia can only continue because the Japanese and American governments are so closely connected

He will learn about the suffering the bombings caused.


What is the topic of this paragraph?

Just 15 years before, Kishi had been a high-ranking member of the government that ruled Japan until the end of World War II. During those years, the United States was his enemy. But he knew Asia would need a plan to keep the peace after the war's end. He knew the United States and Japan would need to work together.

Kishi knew the U.S. and Japan would need to work together. 


What questions could you ask about this sentence?

The two countries will recognize the pain caused by the atomic bomb strikes.

Expectable answers

How was pain caused?

Who caused who pain?

How was the issue resolved?

What was the reason the pain was caused?

__________ are words that join other words of a sentence together. Examples (and,or,but)
What is a conjunction.
Blue and Blew ant and aunt bear and bare are all examples of _____________.
What are homophones.

What is the topic of this paragraph?

After World War II, the United States encouraged European countries to come together. Europe had been at war many times before. France and Germany had gone to war against each other several times. The United States helped bring peace between them. When China became communist it stopped trading and communicating with the outside world, but the United States encouraged it to open up. And when the Soviet Union (now Russia) threatened nuclear war, the United States ended the countries' standoff quietly. Years of American peacekeeping have paid off for the world.

The U.S. helped unite or bring peace to other countries.


What is the topic of this paragraph?

Not long ago, America did not get along with the Soviet Union and China. Before 1991, Russia was part of the Soviet Union. It was a group of 15 countries that Russia largely controlled. Both the Soviet Union and China supported communism, a system where the government owns all property and people have few freedoms. They were opposed to the United States and its system that allowed for businesses and people to buy and sell. But there were leaders in both countries who were willing to work with America. These men were able to move past their own opinions to build a better and safer world. In Hiroshima, Obama will be standing alongside Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the country's leader. Their meeting will represent the strength of the Japan-US relationship.

America did not get along with the Soviet Union and China


What are questions you can ask a reader to help them understand the passage?

What was the purpose of the U.S. president visiting Hiroshima?

How was Hiroshima affected by the nuclear attack?

Why did Obama want to visit Hiroshima?

What does the visit symbolize? 

Answers are open for consideration. 

A _____________ sentence makes a statement.
What is a declarative sentence.
An _____________ sentence asks a question.
What is a interrogative sentence.

What is the topic of this paragraph?

Abe is the grandson of Nobusuke Kishi, another prime minister of Japan. He pushed a treaty with the United States through the Japanese parliament, which is like the US Congress. Many Japanese people disagreed with his actions. But Abe made sure the treaty went into effect. He did it for the sake of Japan’s future and peace in Asia.

Abe pushed a treaty between Japan an America  for the sake of Japan.


This is how events in history should be thought about. They are not a way to encourage citizens of one country to feel rage toward another. We have all felt pain, and we are all people. Our sameness must be stronger than our differences. It is only by sharing our heartbreak that any of us can respect those who died at Hiroshima.

History is to bring nations together, not create rage.


Reading the subheading below, what can you infer this section is about?

Working Through Differences For The Greater Good

Answers are open for consideration. 

Words that sound Alike but are spelled differently.
What homophones.
An ______________ sentence makes a request or gives a command.
What is a imperative sentence.