
this is both theory and practice of studying signs and interpreting cultural, linguistic, and behavioral sign systems. 

what is semiotics

This system of knowledge consists of beliefs, patterns of behavior, artifacts, and institutions created, learned, and shared by a group of people. This system is not fixed, rather, it is constantly invented, changed, contested, and negotiated.

What is Culture?


a formal statement of ideas that are suggested to explain a fact or event, or how something works.

What is theory?


This deity is directly associated with Fela and the fertility ritual

Who is the goddess Oshun?


is a social system of communication that uses symbols—such as words, sounds, and gestures—organized according to certain rules to convey information.

What is language?


This methodology is used in analyzing and interpreting signs. It does so by tracing the meaning behind the sign, situating the signs within history, and enabling us to trace the ways in which meaning shifts and changes with time.

What is known as the semiotic method.


The process of social learning we accumulate throughout our lives from the people and organizations that surrounds us is known as this method. 

What is Enculturation?


Antonio Gramsci theorized this form of power involves the ability of a dominant group to create consent and agreement within a population without the use of threat or force

What is Hegemony?


This category of identity, as a flawed system of classification, directly shapes and influences each character's story.

What is race?


a system of power based on wealth, income, and status that creates an unequal distribution of the society’s resources—usually moving wealth steadily upward. This system stratify individuals’ life chances and affect their possibilities for upward social mobility

What is social class?


This concept associates an emotionally charged desire with an actual product; desire itself becomes the product that the advertisers sell.

What is the commodification of desire?


The Spongebob clip shown in class served to exemplify this internal system of cultural classification. 

What is mental maps of reality?

What is mental maps of reality?


In this theory, Stuart Hall theorizes that communication, media and image portrayal have the power to hold meaning and produce messages.

What is the theory of representation?


This particular historical event and labor system sets off and frames the story from beginning to end.  

What is slavery?


This term is defined by the beliefs, ideas, and assumptions—often incorrect—about what is normal and natural in the world that are then used to explain our preferences and justify patterns of inequality

What is ideology?


This form of culture is known as the culture of the masses; a commercialized culture that typically treats entertainment as a for-profit commodity.

What is popular culture?


In this approach, culture is explored as a symbolic and interpretive system to understand its deep meaning. 

What is the interpretivist approach? 


This theory states that all social relations within a culture are interconnected and impacted by this system. It is defined as the ability or potential to bring about change through action or influence and may include the ability to influence through force or the threat of force.

What is Power?


The sharing of ancestral knowledge, as a way to pass on oral history when text is not available, is done through this oral method

What is storytelling?


This ideology serves as both a power ideology and a gender ideology. It also functions as a system of power in society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it

What is patriarchy?


A formal semiotic analysis is done with these 4 elements in mind

What is denotation, connotation, ideology, and demographics


These four guiding elements help anthropologists and semioticians alike to understand and interact with people and the world around us.

What are norms, values, symbols, and mental maps of reality


This theory states argues that gender ideology, gender norms, and gender codes have the power to reinforce gender inequality

What is gender theory?


In DOS, this theme bridges both spirituality, ritual, and supernatural abilities together to tell a story; it projects a form of survival and power rooted in African Religion

What is magic realism?


With a semiotic approach, semioticians, anthropologists, and other social scientists, work to unmask this system. Taken together, these systems (or categories) have been shown to deeply influence society and popular culture. Name that system.

What is the systems of power: age, race, ethnicity, language, sexuality, gender, and class 
