Making Inferences
Text Evidence

What can you infer about a character who refuses to speak up in a group discussion?

They are Shy


What is text evidence?

Something from the story that shows what the author has said. Typically this is word for word quotes, but can also be paraphrased or summarized information.


What is a theme in literature?

The universal topic that a story is working with. Examples include, love, freedom, grief.


What is tone in a story?

The tone is the mood that the author has about the subject or how they are writing about the subject.


What was Patrick Henry trying to get the Americans to do in his "Speech to the Second Virginia Convention?"

To fight for their liberty and free themselves from Britain.


If a character keeps glancing at the clock during a meeting, what can you infer about their feelings?

They are bored


How can you use text evidence to support an inference?

Text evidence shows why you have made that particular inference.


Name a common theme in literature that deals with overcoming obstacles.



What is the difference between tone and mood?

Tone is how the author feels while mood is what the author is trying to get the reader to feel.


What lesson does the mom teach her children in the poem "A Voice?"

How to speak up for themselves and accept their Mexican heritage and their American Culture.


A man is buying flowers and chocolates late at night. What can you infer about his actions or feelings?

He is trying to makeup with his partner.


Identify a piece of text evidence that supports the theme of courage in a story:

The sun was setting, and the town square had emptied. John stood alone in the middle, clutching the flag in his hands. His heart raced, but he refused to back down, even as the soldiers marched toward him. "I’d rather face them than live a coward," he whispered to himself.

The sentence "His heart raced, but he refused to back down, even as the soldiers marched toward him" shows John's courage.


How does a theme differ from the main idea?

The theme is the universal topic, but the main idea is the author's take on the topic. A them could be love, but the main idea or message could be love is worth waiting or love is a lie.


What is the tone of the following?

"Give me liberty or give me death!"

Determined or angry


What was the granddaughter's advantage in the poem "My Grandmother Washes her Feet in the Sink of the Bathroom at Sears?"

She was able to mediate the confrontation through her acceptance of her Muslim and American cultures.


In a story, a woman rushes out of the house with an umbrella. What can you infer about the her plans?

She is running late.


What are the three parts of using text evidence (A, C, E)? Explain each part briefly.

Answer, make your inference. Cite, include text evidence. Explain, explain how your text evidence supports your inference.


Identify the theme of this story:

Emily glanced at the scholarship letter in her hand. She had worked hard for this moment, but as she watched her younger sister struggling to pay tuition, Emily made her decision. With a heavy heart, she tore up the letter. "It’s better this way," she whispered, “She needs it more than I do."

The theme of sacrifice is shown in the sentence, "With a heavy heart, she tore up the letter."


What is the tone of this sentence?

"I can't wait to see you!"

Excited or joyful


Why did Martin Luther King Jr. go to Birmingham, Alabama?

To end racial injustice.

The author describes a room as dark, with torn furniture and broken windows. What can you infer about the setting or mood of the story?

The room is abandoned and the mood is dark.


Find a piece of text evidence that shows a character's fear without the author directly saying it:

Sophie’s hands trembled as she reached for the door handle. Her breath came in shallow gasps, and her feet felt like they were glued to the floor. The hallway seemed to stretch endlessly in front of her, dark and foreboding. She forced herself to take a step, but her legs shook beneath her.

The sentence "Sophie's hands trembled as she reached for the door handle" indirectly shows Sophie’s fear.


Explain how the theme of friendship is shown in this story:

Despite their argument the night before, Maria showed up at Lucy’s house with soup. Lucy, weak from the flu, managed a small smile as she opened the door. Maria didn’t say a word but sat next to her, keeping her company for hours. "We’ll figure this out later," Maria said, "But right now, you just need me here."

The sentence "Maria didn’t say a word but sat next to her, keeping her company for hours" shows the theme of friendship through supportive actions.


Find the sentence with a sarcastic tone:

As the rain poured down, Jason looked up at the sky and sighed. "Oh great, just what I needed," he muttered, dripping wet. His shoes squelched with every step as he trudged through the mud. "Perfect weather for a stroll, don’t you think?"

The sentence "Perfect weather for a stroll, don’t you think?" shows a sarcastic tone.


What was the tradition the citizens followed in "The Refusal?"

They would make petitions to the Colonel only to have them refused, every time.
