what is a simile
comparing using like or as
What are the elements of a story?
point of view
Who did Macbeth kill to become king
King Duncan
what is the Introduction
establish context for the topic, and clearly state the thesis or main argument of the essay
what is a Mephor
comparing without using like or as
What is setting
the when and where of a story
What was Montag's job
A firefighter/book burner
What is a thesis
a detailed written argument or proposition that presents the central claim
what is a Hyperbole
extreme exageration
What is mood
The feeling that the author tries to convey throughout the story
How gender shapes the social structures within
What did the witches predict would happen to Macbeth and Banquo
Mabacbeth will become king of Scotland while Banquo's decendents will become king at a later point
What is the conclusion
bringing all of the main ideas together to finish the point
what is a Onomatopoeia
a word that sounds the same as its said
What is plot?
organized pattern or sequence of events that makes up a story
analyzing based on mental aspects by how they act
Where did Montag initially want to go after he escaped his hometown
He wanted to go to Saint Louis to meet up with Faber
What is a counter-claim
The counter side of the main argument is usually located in the thesis.
what is a Personification
giving non-human objects human traits/actions
message or moral of the story
looking for universal patterns
What were the 3 apparitions that came before Macbeth
A bloody child, a severed head, and a crowned child holding a tree
What is Mrs. Richards favorite actor
Harrison Ford