Figurative Language
Context Clues


What can be inferred from paragraph 2?

A.Europeans are clearly connected to Easter Island’s most famous attraction.

B. B Europeans are not as central to the island’s history as some may think.

C. C Europeans were the originators of Easter Island’s famous moai sculptures.

D. D Europeans have completely rewritten Easter Island’s history.

What is B, Europeans are not as central to the island’s history as some may think.


How does the use of personification in the first paragraph help develop the setting?

A. A It emphasizes the loudness of the storm.

B. B It emphasizes the cause of the storm.

C. C It emphasizes the damage of the storm.

 D It emphasizes the severity of the storm.

What is D) It emphasizes the severity of the storm.


In line 18, what is the meaning of the phrase “clasping remembered beauty”?

A.Imagining future events

B.Recalling past events

C.Creating current events

Forgetting past events

What is B) Recalling past events


The continuation of a sentence or clause across a line break

What is enjambment

What does pabulum mean in the sentences below from paragraphs 23 and 24?

 “The human pabulum in its original form flies, swims, and grows on trees. Who

would have thought it your Excellency?” said the one Official.

 “To be sure,” rejoined the other Official. “I, too, must admit that I had imagined

that our breakfast rolls came into the world just as they appear on the table.”

A. A body

B. B food

C. C enemy

 D medicine

What is A, body


What is an objective summary of the selection?

A. A Very little is known about the moai’s history on Easter Island.

B. B The moai are an integral part of the island’s tourist industry.

C. C The island is becoming a popular tourist attraction.

D. D The island’s residents are very hospitable to visitors.

What is A) Very little is known about the moai’s history on Easter Island.


What is the meaning of the simile in the sentence below from paragraph 5?

 “Like a rudderless boat, the discussion kept turning round and round the same

point; and at last it threatened to be overwhelmed in a flood of tears.”

A. It describes two people who are crying because they finally came to a solution.

B. It describes an endless argument between two people.

C. It depicts a husband and his wife engaged in a minor argument.

D. It describes an insolvable argument between a husband and his wife, threatening to deteriorate into tears.

What is D) It describes an insolvable argument between a husband and his wife, threatening to deteriorate into tears.


What does the speaker achieve in the poem with her description of New York?

A.She forges a connection with the audience’s sense of gratitude.

B.She presents a stark contrast to the beauty of her homeland.

C.She describes how to pass time during hectic rush hour.

She confesses her feelings of bitterness and remorse.

What is C) She describes how to pass time during hectic rush hour.



the ideas and feelings associated with a specific word (generally are positive or negative); the implied meanings of the word


It hasn’t been easy to design an energy-efficient lighting appliance that consumers embrace as warmly as the gadget that Thomas Edison first fashioned 131 years ago in a Menlo Park, New Jersey, laboratory with carbonized thread from his wife’s sewing kit.

What does the word fashioned mean in paragraph 7?

A. inhibited

B. envisioned

C. demolished

D. formulated

What is D, formulated


What does the author mean when she describes Easter Island as “a destination with solitude built into its DNA”?

A.Her friends would not accompany her to the island.

B. B Her motivation for leaving was misplaced.

C. C The island is an unusually lonely place to live.

 D The island’s natives are different and quirky.

What is C) The island is an unusually lonely place to live.


What does Kiran’s reaction to the arrival of the young boy reveal about her character?

A.She is selfish and uncaring about the needs of others.

B. She needs to be social and active with others.

C. She misses being a mother and being needed.

D. She is excited by change and craves challenges

What is B) She needs to be social and active with others


How does the author’s use of rhyme scheme enhance the theme of the poem?

A. The rhyming couplets in the stanzas about Russia are rhythmic and soothing.

B.The different rhyme patterns are jarring, and mirror the noise of the city.

C.The rhyming lines are subtle in comparison to the growing light.

D.The rhyme pattern mimics the songs of the birds in the country.

What is A) 

The rhyming couplets in the stanzas about Russia are rhythmic and soothing.


The pattern according to which end rhymes (rhymes located at the end of lines) are repeated in works poetry.

What is rhyme scheme


I.D.E.A.S. stands for







Why does the author include the sentence below from paragraph 3? “Then, in the distance, I saw the distinct outline of giant heads.” emphasize the size of the island’s population

B. B to create intrigue over the island’s most famous feature

C. C to conclude the story with a riddle

 D to summarize her points about the moai’s origins

What is B) to create intrigue over the island’s most famous feature


How do Sharat’s feelings about Nilkanta help develop the theme of the selection?

A.Sharat is pleased by Nilkanta’s presence because he will be a diversion for his mother.

B. Sharat is pleased that his family will be able to help Nilkanta.

C. Sharat becomes aggravated by Nilkanta’s daily activities and lifestyle.

D. Sharat becomes increasingly jealous of Nilkanta’s relationship with his wife.

What is C) Sharat becomes aggravated by Nilkanta’s daily activities and lifestyle.


How has the speaker changed between the first and last stanzas of the poem?

A.She is less meek after remembering beautiful moments from her days in Russia.

B.She is even more overwhelmed by her hectic surroundings in New York City.

C.She is more aggressive toward the other people in the street.

She is now confidently intermixing with her fellow walkers.

What is A) She is less meek after remembering beautiful moments from her days in Russia.


"Life the hound


Comes at a bound

Either to rend me

Or to befriend me"

is an example of this literary device

What is extended metaphor


The SWARTHY swarming clouds indicated that a bad storm was coming our way. 

The meaning of swarthy

Swarthy means of dark color


What is the purpose of beginning the selection with dialogue and then moving to geographical and statistical information?

A.A The reader is not able to comprehend the geographical and statistical information without the dialogue.

B. Given the geographical and statistical information later on, the reader can relate the information to personal experiences.

C. The information explaining why the island is such a tourist attraction helps the reader to decide whether he or she wants to visit.

D. By starting with dialogue and the author’s experience at the airport, the reader’s interest is captured, and he or she wants to keep reading.

What is D) By starting with dialogue and the author’s experience at the airport, the reader’s interest is captured, and he or she wants to keep reading.


In the sentence below from the last paragraph, how does the connotation of the words reflect Sharat’s attitude toward the boy? “Moreover, he had got hold of a mongrel village dog which he petted so recklessly that it came indoors with muddy paws, and left tokens of its visit on Sharat’s spotless bed.”

A.He feels protective of the young boy.

B. He is annoyed by the boy’s disregard for cleanliness.

C. He is amused by the boy’s activities.

 He feels the boy’s actions are unhealthy.

What is B) He is annoyed by the boy’s disregard for cleanliness.


How does the speaker’s cultural background affect her perception of the noon-time workers of New York?

A.The speaker dislikes the country life and is energized by the people of New York.

B.The speaker’s experiences in Russia lead her to expect New York workers to be wealthy and benevolent people.

C.Because the speaker grew up in a large Russian city, she feels at home among the people of New York.

D.The speaker’s rural Russian upbringing causes her to view the workers of New York as a herd of animals.

What is D) The speaker’s rural Russian upbringing causes her to view the workers of New York as a herd of animals.


A drone pilot works a twelve-hour shift, then goes home

To real life. Showers, eats supper, plays video games.

Twelve hours later he comes back, high-fives, takes over the drone

is an example of this literary device

What is juxtaposition


The recipe calls for only a MODICUM of hot sauce. If you add too much, the flavors will be imbalanced.

Modicum means

What is a small portion or limited quantity