Literary Elements
A Long Way Gone
Logical Fallacies & Rhetoric
This element of plot comes after the exposition in a story

what is conflict?


This is an example of a metaphor

What is... 

That girl is shrewd crow


A Long Way Gone is this type of story

What is a memoir?


This is an example of an oxymoron

"Oh heavy lightness, rude vanity!"


The line below is an example of this rhetoric:

"My years in the US military have provided me with great skills for being in a leadership role.

What is ethos?


The quote below is an example of this point of view"

"I told him not to go," she said as she slung a jacket over her shoulders. "I don't know what's gotten into him to make him want to do something like this."

What is third person point of view?


The quote, “Moreover, he had got hold of a mongrel village dog which he petted so recklessly that it came indoors with muddy paws, and left tokens of its visit on Sharat’s spotless bed", gives the connotation that...

A. The narrator feels protective of the boy

B. The narrator is annoyed by the boy's disregard for cleanliness

C. The narrator is amused by the boy's acitivities

D. The narrator feels the boy's actions are unhealthy

What is...

B. The narrator is annoyed by the boy's disregard for cleanliness


This is an example of one theme in A Long Way Gone

What is redemption, hope and life, cherishing loved ones, the brutality of war, friends and family?


This quote, "the lights went out, and there was a loud 'bang!' before she felt the firm grip of someone's hand on her arm" is an example of this literary device

What is onomatopoeia?


The line below is an example of this rhetoric:

"My medical charts prove that I'm healthier than most people my age"

What is logos?


These are three different types of tone.

What are happy, sad, fearful, excited, angry, somber, sorrowful, energetic, anxious?


In the quote, " He made a joke or two, and talked just as much as was consistent with due decorum, and began work", the word decorum could also mean...

A. Appropriateness

B. Lightheartedness

C. Inferiority

D. Diligence

What is...

A. Appropriateness


This is the first time Ishmael kills another person.

What is during their first battle when his friends Musa and Josiah are killed?


The quote "something in her bones told her there was more yet to come, that this was not yet over", is an example of this literary device

What is foreshadowing?


The line below is an example of this type of rhetoric:

"The children and families at St. Jude's medical hospital depend on you and need your help for their recovieres"

What is pathos?


These are the six elements that make up tone.

What is setting, feelings, opinions, narrator, point of view, and characters?


In this quote, "the robust child smiled up at its mother with bright eyes and pink cheeks. There was not a sign anywhere from the child that is was in poor health", the word robust could be replaced with...

A. Round

B. Healthy

C. Hidden

D. Frightening

What is...

B. Healthy


These are the two most common drugs that the boy soldiers were exposed to during the war

What is marijuana and brown brown (cocaine)?


The excerpt below portrays this emotion from the narrator:

"The woman sneered down at me, and I shrunk as far into the collar of my coat as I could. I made myself so small in hopes that she would not see me still, that she would look right over me and to the next child."

A. Disgust

B. Empathy

C. Frightfulness

D. Smallness

What is...

C. Frightfulness


This type of rhetoric does not give any sort of logical reasoning or evoke emotion from their audiences

What is ethos?


These are the seven different types of narrators.

What are protagonist, secondary character, detached observer, commentator, interviewer, secret character, and unreliable character.


This is the definition of a theme in a text

What is a lesson or message that the reader receives from the characters and/or storyline of the book?


This is the last place Ishmael ends up at the end of A Long Way Gone

What is the Sierra Leonean embassy in Guinea?


The purpose of the quote, "my neutral gaze did not shift away from her. Even when she neared me, reached out a hand, and pinched my arm, did I look away. I would not show her the hatred laced in my veins," is to...

A. Make the reader empathize with the narrator

B. Make the reader understand the narrator's true feelings

C. Make the reader dislike the woman pinching the narrator

D. Make the reader better understand the setting of the story

What is...

B. Make the reader understand the narrator's true feelings


These selected words are an example of both ethos and logos:

"I have twenty six years of managerial services under my belt. Take a look at my portfolio, it'll give you all the information about my previous jobs that you could need."

Ethos: "I have twenty six years of managerial services under my belt."

Logos: "My portfolio, it'll give you all the information about my previous jobs"
