The central point or argument/what is discussed throughout the rest of the essay
What is thesis statement?
Time and place of an action
What is setting?
Lens that discusses which gender played which role and if they are stereotyped
What is gender lens?
Job of Guy Montag and what he does
Fireman; He goes to people's houses who reportedly have books and burns them
Character that kills Macbeth at the end of the play
What is the Anogram for the structure of your introduction and what do the 4 letters mean?
HBIT - Hook, Background, Illustrate, Thesis
Dramatic struggle between 2 forces
Lens that discusses social class and how the money/power of different characters affects the story
Name of device used to chase and kill people with books
What is Mechanical Hound?
King of Scotland at the beginning of the play
Who is Duncan?
What is the Anogram for your body paragraphs and what do the 4 letters mean?
TRIT - Topic, Restrict, Illustrate, Topic restate
Message of the story; what you take away from a story
Lens that discusses the uses of foreshadowing, POV, allusions, character development, plot, etc.
The character who reported Guy Montag to the police
Who is Mildred?
Apparation meaning "Macbeth not defeated until Birnham woods moves"
What is crowned child holding a tree?
What is the Anogram for your conclusion and what do the 4 letters mean?
TIBH - Thesis, Illustrate, Background, Hook
The feeling the author tries to convey throughout the story; the emotion created
What is mood?
Lens that discusses patterns or repeated situations; the type of characters within a story
What is archetypical lens?
Book that Montag memorizes to keep literature in society while books are banned
What is the Bible?
Apparation meaning "No one born of a woman may harm Macbeth"
What is bloody child?
What is the Anogram for how to structure your evidence within each body paragraph and what do the 4 letters mean?
ACES - Answer, Cite, Explain, Summarize
A saying in which wisdom is given
What is proverb?
Lens that discusses why a character acted the way they did or what hidden motivations they could have
What is psychoanalytic lens?
Story in the bible that Montag reads that symbolizes his embracement of literature; occurs as Montag escapes the city
Book of Ecclesiastes
Apparation meaning "Beware of Macduff"
What is armored head?