What is a Random quiz
what is Pop Quiz
The part of the essay you cannot get 6 sentences out of
What is the introduction
The thing Lady Macbeth does to Macbeth when he won't kill Duncan
What is Crashout
What's wrong with the sentence: "Mrs. Richards jokes are bad"
What is "Mrs. Richard's jokes are bad"
Who is not a bot?
what is Montag
The sound we all dream of hearing
What is the roar
Daily grade for the essay Ned thinks he is exempt from
What is pre-write check
What is the location Ohio is equal to
Find the mistake: All Mrs. Richards does is hunt fish and read.
What is: All Mrs. Richards does is hunt, fish, and read.
The things that are like putting FaceTime with your grandma on the TV
The old guy nobody cares about
The ancient website with no sources
What is google scholar
The trait Charlie has when it comes to going for a girl
what is being a coward
Fix the mistake: Ned have to surf but at least he enjoying it.
What is "has" and "enjoys"
Why is Clarrisse killed?
The test you could not get done in one class period
What is 80- question Macbeth test
The sentence that Mrs. Richards always writes for Julia
What is thesis statement
The people Ms. Richards would most likely be friends with
The weird sisters
What website takes us hours to finish and does not help with our grammar
what is no red ink
Who crashes out?
What is Mildred
An assignment not worth a daily grade
What is noredink
The thing Ned starts at 11:29pm
What is Essay
The assignments even Campbell did better on than Julia
If you were writing an essay, which word(s) be incorrect to include in your sentence: Lyla doesn't like to go to school because it's hard.
what is "doesn't" and "it's"
Which character is most similar to Ms. Richards?
What is Clarisse?