What is the plural of "child"?
What is Fergus´ last name
What was the name of Queen Victoria´s husband?
Prince Philip
Which team won the FA Cup last year?
Manchester United
What is the name of the President of the USA?
Joe Biden
Translate the words "nýggjársaftan" and "jólaaftan" into English. The spelling has to be perfect.
New Year´s Eve
Christmas Eve
What is Arthur´s last name?
Name an invention from the period
Spinning Jenny, steam engine...
Which player won the Balon d´Or this year?
Bonus: name the player who boycotted the event when he found out earlier in the day that he was not going to win
Bonus: Vinicius Júnior
What was the name of the movie we watched in Havnar Bio?
"One Life"
Make a list of five adjectives
wrong, right, old, young, intelligent...
What is the name of Fergus Suter´s best friend?
Jimmy Love
What colour was Queen Victoria´s wedding dress
Which important NSÍ player recently retired from the Faroese national team?
Heidi Sevdal
Kapping: Fyrsti bólkur at bókstavirnar rætt, og geva mær listan, vinnur stigini. Talan er um eitt navn og ein tittul. Orðini eru ikki í rættari raðfylgju:
keli nkiecrkd su otn aalrm
Kendrick Lamar, "Not Like Us"
KAPPING: fyrsta liðið at skriva 5 orð við 11 bókstavum (hvørki meir ella minni) fær stigini
Encouraging, appreciated, comfortable, adventurous, outstanding, intelligent, inspiration, efficiently, and imaginative.
What is the name og the soccer team that first "bought" the two friends?
Darwen FC
In which decade did the coronation of Queen Victoria take place?
Bonus: name the exact year
the 1830´s
Bonus: 1838
Which team has won the most FA Cup titles?
Who wrote the play "Romeo & Juliet"?
William Shakespeare
Which two categories of nouns were in focus during our English Class last Monday?
Countable and uncountable nouns
Which city in Glasgow did the two friends come from?
How long was Queen Victoria´s reign? The group closest to the correct number gets the points
63 years, 7 months, and two days
Kapping: sing a football song to win the points
What is the name of the capital of Ireland?