Jeg vil spille ishockey
What is: I want to play ice hockey
You need it when you play football. You kick it.
What is: A football
Another word for frog
What is: a toad
I elsker jul
What is: I love Christmas
Jeg står op klokken syv
What is: I get up at seven o'clock
Jeg har spillet tennis i fire år
What is: I have been playing tennis for four years
You need it when you swim under water
What is: Gogles
A man who can do magic is a
What is: A wizard
Jeg har et stort juletræ derhjemme
What is: I have a big Christmas tre at home
Jeg spiser brød og ost til morgenmad
I eat bread and cheese for breakfast
Man spiller ofte basketball i USA
What is: You often play basket ball in the USA
You wear it on your hands to protect them e.g. when you ride your BMX
What is: Gloves
Princes and princesses often live at the
What is: castle
Rudolph is a
What is: a reindeer
Jeg tager tøj på
What is: I get dressed
I skal have en hjelm på og beskyttelsesudstyr på knæene, når jeg kører BMX-cykel
What is: I need to wear a helmet and pads on my knees when I ride a BMX bike
You hold it in your hand when you play tennis
What is: a tennis racket
The witch rides on it
What is: A brookstick
Another name for Santa Claus
What is: Father Christmas
Klokken kvart i otte går jeg i skole
What is: At a quarter to eight I go to school
What is: The girl from Holland is very ambitious and has won a lot of gold medals.
When you play ice hockey you hold a thing in your hand and you wear some things on your feet
What is: A hockey stick and skates
If you believe that a house is fulle of ghosts and spirits you can say that the house is
What is: haunted
When do English families celebrate Christmas
What is: December the 25th
Når jeg kommer i skole går jeg sammen med mine venner hen i min klasse
What is: When I get to school I go to my class with my friends