Deals mainly with?
Expert Credibility
Fallacies of
Focused on what?
Author of the article
Alessandra Tanesini
An error in the ______ of an argument
Mostly used in tandem with?
Linguistic Fallacies
Another name for "Appeal to Popularity"
"Bandwagon Fallacy"
Describe the fallacy of Logos, "Smoke Screen" and give an example of it.
Avoiding the real issue/tough question by changing the topic to something unrelated.
EX: "She did not compete her group work, but look at her adorable puppy."
What do you learn to do from this article?
Admit you are wrong and cultivate it as a positive trait
Fallacy name that is similar to an animal
Weasel Words
Using testimony from someone who is popular but lacks expertise
Testimonial Fallacy
Name this type of Pathos
"The president has to be man, it's always been this way."
Appeal to Tradition
Name this fallacy
"Kanye West is the best rapper alive because he is married to a Kardashian"
What is false intellectual Humility?
Doing the act for the purpose of advancing instead of for the greater good/helping others
Fallacies are often never ______
Isolated. They usually occur in the presence of others such as pathos, ethos, and logos.
Attacks the ______
character of the speaker
All of the fallacies of pathos begin with ?
"Appeal to"
A fallacy used mainly with parents and politicians to enact fear in the listener
Slippery Slope
"If we legalize marijuana now, then the next thing we know our kids will fail their classes and become crack addicts."
Imposter Syndrome is
Doubting your abilities, knowledge, or skills regardless of evident success.
Can be referred to as
"Loaded Language"
(Often using misleading words)
Give three examples
Appeal to false authority
Guilt by association
Poisoning the well
Plain folk
Name all five fallacies of Pathos
Appeal to Fear
Appeal to Pity
Appeal to Popularity
Appeal to People
Appeal to Tradition
Describe the difference between the two Appeal to Ignorance fallacies of Pathos.
Skeptic's form argues that if something can not be proven with evidence that it is immediately false.
Name 3 barriers to achieving true Intellectual Humility
Trouble admitting you are wrong
False Intellectual Humility
Believing you are correct
Emotional/ religious beliefs
The loss of pride and respect from others
Name this fallacy
"Every responsible parent must join the school PTA"
God term