A monkey, a tree and an hour
it's a noun (navneord)
Jeg gik en tur med min hund
I went for a walk with my dog
he wrote a song named baby
Justin bieber
how old is CR7
39 years old
One of the newest Disney and Pixar animation movies about feelings
inside out 2 (Inderst inde 2)
Running, Walking and dancing
it's a verb (Udsagnsord)
Olivia og jeg er gode venner
Olivia and i are good friends
She sings "single ladies" and she is married to Jay-Z
Which year did Micheal Jackson die?
The two men who is behind "Klovn"
Frank hvam and Casper Christensen
Ugly, nice and Smart
It's an Adjective (tillægsord)
Min hund spiste mine lektier
My dog ate my homework
Who sings 7 rings
Ariana grande
Where is Niall Horan from One Direction from?
when was Titanic released
A ananas or an ananas
A pineapple
Oversæt: Der var engang en mand som gik en tur og pludselig blev han spist af en dinosaur og inde i mave på dinosauren blev han kastreret af en fisk
Once upon a time there was a man who was going for a walk and suddenly he was eaten by a dinosaur and inside the stomach of the dinosaur he was castrated by a fish.
He is a famous rapper and was married to kim kardashian
Kanye west
Where is Zlatan Ibrafimovic' mother and father from? Name one of the countries.
bosnia (father) and croatia (mother)
Who became famous for the "high school musical" movies and for dating his co-star Vanessa Hudgens?
Zac Efron
what is adverbs
Adverb derscribes the time, the way and the place where something has happened
oversæt: 10. ved kløften
10. ved kløften
He was a member of N'sync and wrote a famous song to ex girlfriend Britney spears called "cry me a river"
Justin Timberlake
who won the first oscar award
Emil jannings
who was the two main characters in titanic
Jack and Rose