S&R 1
S&R 2
S&R 3
S&R 4
What is the universal sequence of first language (L1) acquisition?
What is LSRW.
________ tests measure isolated skill sets, like phonology, grammar, and vocabulary, whereas _______ tests take a more holistic approach, and measure comprehension in areas like conversation, discussion, and writing.
What is Discrete point tests and Integrative tests
Match the following terms with examples 1. Approaches A. TRP, Icebreakers & Reader’s Theatre 2. Methods B. Participatory Language Teaching, Dual Language 3. Techniques C. Cognitive Code, GTM & ALM
What is 1. –b; 2-a; 3. –c
In this approach to instruction, language is not taught explicitly or per se; rather, language is learned and acquired in the context of subject matter, such as geography, history, math, music, and literature.
What is Content Based Instruction (CBI).
Linguist Stephen Krashen popularized the term ______ _______ that describes the emotional factors in learning.
What is Affective filter (domain)
Name the approach that puts the main focus on language learning through the explicit study of grammar, rules, and memorization, and is taught mostly in L1?
What is Grammar Based Approach (GTM)
These are the two kinds of motivation in language acquisition. One involves students’ learning a second language because of outside influences (meeting a requirement), and the other is based on a personal, internal motivation.
What is Extrinsic and intrinsic (or instrumental vs. integrative)
Giving students commands, using the Pointing Game, acting out emotions, dressing the paper poll, manipulating rods, bouncing the ball, are all examples of ____ _____ _____.
What is TPR Type Activities.
This type of instruction, usually used within the context of CBI, depends upon students performing tasks to solve a certain problem or produce something that that would be relevant to them in school or society. Examples might be preparing and delivering a language lesson, completing a project, filling out a job application, or doing information-gap activities.
What is Task Based Instruction
The overall strategy/approach that is embraced by the author of our text (Patricia Richard-Amato) and is described in the first chapter of Making It Happen is called ___ ___ ___.
Participatory Language Teaching
This method/approach focuses on the listening/speaking skills in L2. It is based on choral repetition, mimicry-memorization, dialogs, lots of drills, and fill-in the blanks. It started as the “Army method.” We call it “drill and kill.”
What is Audio Lingual Method (ALM)
Using Freire’s terms, “transmissive” teaching is centered on the __________; whereas, “transformative” teaching is centered on the ____________.
What is teachers, students
According to Krashen and Terrell; Preproduction, Early Production, Speech, Emergence, and Intermediate fluency are __________________________.
What is Four Stages of Language Acquisition, or The Natural Approach
This practice of placing ELLs directly into a mainstream classroom with no particular support is popularly known as the “sink or swim” method.
What is Submersion
According to our text, and most L2 teachers and theoreticians, the most effective strategy for correcting students’ errors is not to correct explicitly but to use ________.
indirect correction, restatement, implicit correction
Chomsky proposed the notion that humans worldwide are born with a “language organ” that facilitates both first and second acquisition: ______ _______ _______.
What is Language Acquisition Device (LAD)
Match the following learning strategies with the examples: 1. Metacognitive A. brainstorming, making outlines, using flashcards 2. Cognitive B. choosing to enroll in a language class in Mexico 3. Social C. forming a study group
1-b; 2-a; 3-c
Popular for decades amongst ESL teachers, this writing technique has a student writing to a teacher and the teacher responding in an informal, friendly, and supportive way. Errors are usually not corrected.
What is Dialog Journals.
Oller’s ______ hypothesis asserts that students learn best when the material is structured in story form.
What is Episode
Name one effective activity for stage one of second language acquisition.
Answers will vary; examples –bingo, TPR, simon says, Who am I…
This Krashen term (related to i+1) refers to the input/messages that the language learner actually understands. It is the way the teacher makes the lesson meaningful.
What is Comprehensive Input or Meaningful input.
In assessment lexicon, the SAT, GRE, STAR, and similar standardized tests are generally referred to as _____ - ____ tests
What is Norm-Referenced
In this technique, groups of students must complete a group project. Each member of the group is given a specific task to perform or research. Group members must then share their area of study with the other group members (put the puzzle together) so they can all finish the project.
What is Jigsaw.
As a large group, a story was read and now the students are to discuss and work through a thematic web. By working in groups, students who may not have understood as well as others will not feel ashamed they couldn’t fill out the graph. The students who did understand also benefit because their learning is reinforced by teaching and sharing with others. Another is our think-pair-share strategy. These are an examples of ________ learning
What is Cooperative learning
Draw an example of Chomsky’s “iceberg” analogy (to language) and label the two parts - above water and under the water.
Surface structure vs Deep structure