Figurative Language
Elements of Fiction
Author's Purpose
Author's Organizational Pattern
Context Clues
What type of figurative language makes a comparison of two things without using “like” or “as”?
What is a metaphor?
The sequence of events in a story, and how the central conflict develops towards resolution.
What is Plot?
A news article
What is to Inform?
First John was late getting to school. Then, he lost his homework. A few minutes later, the teacher asked him to clean out his desk. Now John thinks it will be a bad day.
What is Sequential or Chronological?
A word that means the same thing as another word is called what?
What is a synonym?
What type of figurative language is used in the following sentence: The stars danced playfully in the moonlit sky.
What is Personification?
What type of conflict would the following be? A man struggles with his conscience about a decision to do what is right or to do wrong.
What is Man vs. Self (an internal conflict)?
A story in which a knight saves a princess from a dreadful dragon, and saves the kingdom.
What is to Entertain?
The best time to visit the Rocky Mountains is early fall. The weather is cooler in the fall than in the summer. You will see fewer people and more animals. The fall colors are more beautiful.
What is Generalization or Principle?
Constellations, such as The Little Dipper and The Big Dipper, can be seen in the night sky. What are constellations? A) Clouds B) Groups of stars C) Moons D) Lights
What is B) Groups of stars?
The repetition of an initial consonant sound in a sentence or paragraph. Ex: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
What is Alliteration?
The most exciting part of a story, the turning point in the story.
What is the Climax?
A political speech by a candidate running for President.
What is to Persuade?
It rained for the first few days of the camping trip. As a result, most of the campers were restless and wanted to go home.
What is Cause and Effect?
Nutritious foods, such as fruits and vegetables, help our bodies grow. What does nutritious mean in this sentence? A) Yucky B) Boring C) Healthy D) Delicious
What is C) Healthy?
A word formed from the sound associated with it. Ex: sizzle, boom, crash, roar
What is Onomatopoeia?
What type of conflict would the following be? A man fights against a dreaded dragon to save the kingdom.
What is Man vs. Nature, or Supernatural (external conflict)?
A recipe for devil's food cake
What is to Inform?
One issue with the modern Olympics is that it has become very big and expensive to operate. In 1984, Los Angeles solved these problems by charging a fee for companies who wanted to be official sponsors of the games. Companies like McDonald's paid a lot of money to be part of the Olympics.
What is Problem and Solution?
Candles, flashlights, and lamps illuminate the room. Using context clues what does illuminate mean? A) Lower B) Weaken C) Light up D) Make dark
What is C) Light up?
What type of figurative language is used in the following statement? She smells as good as a rose.
What is a Simile?
The people, animals, or other beings that a story revolves around.
What are characters?
The lyrics of a Taylor Swift song
What is to Entertain?
Even though Nan and Jan look very similar to each other, they are different enough for most people to tell them apart. While they both have blond hair, Nan has blue eyes while Jan has brown eyes. Nan is also a little bit taller than Jan.
What is Compare and Contrast?
The membership fee is $120.00. Adding the suffix -ship to the word member makes a word that means: A) something from a member B) the state of being a member C) becoming a member again D) the act of benefiting a member
What is B) the state of being a member?