Someone who is on the phone talking to someone is called:
What is the capital of the UK?
What is the holiday called where people wear scary costumes and collect sweets from neighbours?
Name all irregular verb forms of
1. to be
2. to go
be - was/were - been
go - went - gone
What is Barbie's male friend called?
If you find a lot of gold, you can call it a...
Name 5 countries where English is the mother tongue
Canada, USA, England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, South Africa, Australia, India, New Zealand...
Northern Ireland, Malta, Nigeria, Cameroon, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Ghana, Rwanda, Sudan, Botswana, Ethiopia, Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, Solomon Islands, Micronesia, Vanuatu, Kiribati, Pakistan, Singapur, Philippines, Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, Bahamas, Sri Lanka, Malaysia
What do pupils wear to school in the UK?
They wear school uniforms.
explain the rule when I have to use "a" and when I have to use "an".
Example: A plane.
We use "a" before consonant sounds and "an" in front of vowels.
Who are Harry Potter's two best friends?
Hermione and Ron
An advertisement is what in German?
Anzeige, Werbung, Werbespot
How many countries are in the UK?
4 - England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland
What happened on 11.09.2001?
Planes flew into the World Trade Center in NY.
Use the following words to form a
negationin the simple present:
I - to walk - in - the park
I walk in the park.
Do I walk in the park?
I don't walk in the park.
What is the squirrel called that is friends with Spongebob?
Translate: Ich reise durch das Land.
I travel through the country.
Name 5 sights in London
London Eye, The Tower of London, Tower Bridge, Millennium Bridge, Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace...
Name a formal greeting (how would you greet the president?) and an informal greeting (how would you address your best mate?) in a whole sentence.
Good morning sir.
Hi mate!
Explain the rule about when you use "much" and when "many".
If you can count the noun, use many (the noun will always be plural). If you cannot count the noun, use much (the noun cannot be plural).
What are the planets in our solar system called? (8 planets)
Merkur, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptun
Translate: Während ich den Hund spazieren führte, reparierte ich die Jacke.
While I took the dog for a walk, I repaired the jacket.
Name 5 states of the US
Alabama, Alaska, Kansas, Michigan, Mississippi, Illinois, Wisconsin, Hawaii...
What number do you have to dial for the emergency services in the UK and which in the USA?
UK - 999
USA - 911
Form this sentence into a statement, question and negation in the simple past:
She flirts with the boy.
She flirted with the boy.
Did she flirt with the boy?
She didn't flirt with the boy.
Name 5 members of the Avengers
Iron Man, Captain America, Spiderman, Hulk, Thor, Black widow, Hawkeye...