Language Fundamentals
Literary Analysis
Essays & Author’s Purpose
Writing Mechanics
Texts: Types, Genres, Devices

Which of the following words does NOT have a prefix?

    a) Misunderstood

    b) Unknown

    c) Happy

    d) Revisit

c) Happy


Fact or Opinion? 

“In 2022, the video game industry generated more money than the film industry.” 

a) Fact

b) Opinion

a) Fact


Which of the following lists below is the correct order for any essay?

a) Body Paragraph(s), Conclusion Paragraph, Introduction Paragraph

b) Introduction Paragraph, Body Paragraph(s), Conclusion Paragraph

c) Conclusion Paragraph, Introduction Paragraph, Body Paragraph(s)

d) Introduction Paragraph, Conclusion Paragraph, Body Paragraph(s)

b) Introduction Paragraph, Body Paragraph(s), Conclusion Paragraph


Which of the following sentences is capitalized correctly?

    a) The capital of france is Paris.

    b) The Capital of France Is Paris.

    c) The capital of France is Paris.

    d) the capital of France is Paris.

c) The capital of France is Paris.



Text type refers to the overall structure and purpose of a text; text genre categorizes texts based on their content, style, and conventions within broader classifications.

a) True 

b) False 

a) True 


The word “unbreakable” has the prefix “un-”

What is the definition of the prefix “un-” in the context of the word?

    a) Across

    b) Again

    c) Not 

    d) One 

c) Not


Which one of these statements is an opinion?

a) According to the MLB rule book, there are 9 innings in a baseball game.

b) The average salary of an NFL quarterback in 2009 was 15 million dollars.

c) John Elway continues to be the greatest quarterback in NFL history.

d) Barry Bonds holds the record for the most home runs in a season.

c) John Elway continues to be the greatest quarterback in NFL history.


Why is a thesis statement the most important part of an essay’s introduction?

a) It tells the reader if he/she should continue reading the essay.

b) It tells the reader what the essay’s topic and purpose are.

c) It tells the reader how they wrote the essay.

d) It tells the reader how they researched information for their essay.

b) It tells the reader what the essay’s topic and purpose are.


Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

    a) Sheila's favorite subject are math and science.

    b) Sheilas favorite subjects are Math and Science.

    c) Sheila’s favorite subjects are math and science.

    d) Sheilas' favorite subjects are Math and Science.

c) Sheila’s favorite subjects are math and science.


What text feature provides the name of the book and often gives readers an initial impression or idea of what the book is about?

a) Chapter Heading

b) Glossary

c) Index

d) Title

d) Title


The words “chemist,” “narcissist,” and “plagiarist” all have the suffix “ist.” What is the definition of the suffix “ist”?

    a) Quality of 

    b) State of being 

    c) Process of 

    d) One who 

d) One who


Which of the following statements is a fact?

a) Heart disease is a leading cause of death in America.

b) Burning the American flag should be a crime.

c) It is much harder for someone who is 16 to raise a child than someone who is 30.

d) People who graduate from college are smarter than people who drop out of high school.

a) Heart disease is a leading cause of death in America.


Read the following passage and identify the author’s purpose.

The life cycle of a butterfly is divided into four stages: egg, larva, pupa and butterfly. The four stages are called the life cycle of the butterfly. A butterfly begins life as an egg. Most eggs are laid on the leaves of plants. They can be round, oval or even cylindrical in shape depending on the type of butterfly that laid them. Inside the egg is a larva, which is known as a caterpillar.

a) Persuade

b) Inform

c) Entertain

b) Inform    


Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

    a) We went to the store to buy milk eggs, and bread.

    b) We went to the store to buy milk eggs and bread.

    c) We went to the store to buy milk, eggs, and bread.

    d) We went to the store to buy milk, eggs; and bread.

c) We went to the store to buy milk, eggs, and bread.


Which of the following is NOT a text genre, but rather a text type?

a) Science Fiction
b) Epic Poetry
c) Argumentative Writing (i.e., essays, speeches)
d) Psychological Drama

c) Argumentative Writing (i.e., essays, speeches)


The prefix “re-” means “again.” The root “doct” means “to teach.” The suffix “-ion” means “action or process.” In turn, what does the word “reeducation” mean?

    a) Teaching again

    b) Learning again

    c) Teaching once

    d) Learning once

b) Learning again


“Her nosy habit of prying into others' personal affairs tends to unsettle those around her, fostering an air of discomfort and intrusion.”

In the above sentence, what kind of connotation does the word “nosy” have? 

a) A positive connotation

b) A negative connotation

c) A neutral connotation

b) A negative connotation


Read the following passage and identify the author’s purpose.

Larry, in a rush, slipped on a rogue banana peel! There was a cascade of flying textbooks and uproarious laughter from the students around him. When the principal arrived, he told Larry to ‘dial down the theatrics!” Larry, confused and bruised said, “Sir, I was just attacked by an unexpected banana... what do you even mean?” The banana peel incident secured Larry's reputation as a schoolwide sensation; it even scored a spot in the yearbook's “Most Memorable Moments” section.

a) Persuade

b) Inform

c) Entertain

c) Entertain


Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

a) We have much to do; for example, the carpets need vacuuming.

b) We have much to do for example: the carpets need vacuuming.

c) We have much to do, for example: the carpets need vacuuming.

 d) We have much to do, for example. The carpets need vacuuming

a) We have much to do; for example, the carpets need vacuuming.


In a book about astronomy, which text feature would you consult to find definitions for specialized terms such as “galaxy,” “nebula,” and “constellation”?

a) Index

b) Table of Contents

c) Glossary

d) Preface

c) Glossary


In the sentence below, what does the word “substantial” mean?

“Even though it was an SOL testing week, our math teacher gave us a substantial amount of homework to complete over the weekend.” 

a) Light

b) Heavy

c) Significant

d) Minimal

c) Significant


“In her heartfelt tribute, the speaker lauded her mentor's unwavering dedication and tireless efforts in shaping young minds.”

In the above sentence,  what kind of connotation does the word “dedication” have?

a) A positive connotation

b) A negative connotation

c) A neutral connotation

a) A positive connotation


Read the following passage and identify the author’s purpose.

Skipping breakfast is very common to young people. They think it is not necessary. However, I believe that eating breakfast is important to start the day right. The following are the advantages of having breakfast: it gives your body energy and strength and makes your brain function well. On the other hand, missing breakfast will lead to a lot of health problems. So, now is the right time to start eating breakfast to stay healthy and productive.

a) Persuade       

b) Inform        

c) Entertain

a) Persuade       


Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

a) “How,” I asked, “Can you always be so forgetful”?

b) “How,” I asked, “can you always be so forgetful?”

c) “How,” I asked, “can you always be so forgetful”?

d) “How,” I asked, “Can you always be so forgetful?”

b) “How,” I asked, “can you always be so forgetful?”


Read Emily Dickinson’s poem “How Do I Love Thee?” The words “ways” and “Grace” are an example of ________.

“How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. 

I love thee to the depth and breadth and height 

My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight

For the ends of Being and ideal of Grace.”

a) Beginning rhyme

b) End rhyme

c) Internal rhyme

d) Slant rhyme

d) Slant rhyme
