This is a sequence of events that make up a story.
What is plot?
The words I, my, mine, etc. used by narrators in this narrative perspective.
What is 1st person point of view (or narrative perspective)?
This is the main character in a story.
What is the protagonist?
This is one example of a type of conflict.
What is human vs. ___________ ?
This is where and when a story takes place.
What is setting?
This is the point in a story where the action is at its highest and most intense point. This is the point where the action in a story turns.
What is the climax?
This is the "character" that gives details of, and tells, the story.
Who is the narrator?
This is the person (or force) that opposes the protagonist.
What is the antagonist?
This is one of the driving types of conflicts between characters thus far in Of Mice and Men? (please include type and a specific detail)
What is….
Human vs. human: George vs. Lennie
Human vs. human: Curley vs. Lennie
A hint at something that happens later in a story, can help the reader predict.
What is foreshadow?
This is the point in the story where information is given about the setting, characters, and their conflicts.
What is the exposition?
This is the narrative perspective where the narrator knows everything about every character.
What is third-person omniscient narrative perspective?
This type character undergoes change in a story.
What is a dynamic character?
This type of conflict means that the character is facing struggles within his or herself that only he or she can deal with, whether emotion, intellectual, ethical, etc.
What is internal conflict?
This is the attitude that the writer has towards his or her subject
What is tone?
This is the part of the story where action on conflict drives the plot and conflicts begin to become increasingly more intense.
What is rising action?
This is the narrative perspective where the narrator plays no part in the story and zooms in on the thoughts and feelings of only one character.
What is third-person limited perspective?
This is the type of character that undergoes no change in a story.
What is a static character?
This type of conflict deals with only problems between characters, society, or the setting.
What is external conflict?
Underlying meaning, insight about life, and main idea of a story.
What is theme?
This is the order of events that make up the plot of a story.
What is exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution?
This is the vantage point from which a writer tells a story.
What is narrative perspective?
This is the type of character that is difficult to summarize because he or she is complex, inconsistent, and changes through conflict.
What is a round character?
List all the types of conflict (specific) that involve Lennie (there are four that we know of so far).
What is:
Human vs. human (Lennie vs. George)
Human vs. human (Lennie vs. Curley)
Human vs. self (Lennie vs. his disability)
Human vs. society (Lennie vs. perceptions and misinformation regarding the mentally disabled)
This means "a type" of literature, of which there are only three: prose, poetry, and drama.