The three forms of the verb "lära ut".
What is teach taught taught?
The name of Anne's father.
Who is Otto (Frank)?
What the students called their teacher.
What is Mrs G?
The wife's first name
Who is Mary (Maloney)?
The student with the fewest letters in his/her surname.
Who is Ayman Abdi?
The three forms of the verb "växa".
What is grow grew grown?
The country the Frank family fled to.
What is the Netherlands (Holland)?
The name of the girl that witnessed a murder.
Who is Eva?
The wife used this to kill her husband.
What is a leg of lamb?
The student with the same birth date as Martina?
Who is Hising?
The three forms of the verb "slåss, kämpa".
What is fight fought fought?
The year the Frank family were arrested.
What is 1944?
The head of the English department also stars in this famous movie about another school.
What is Harry Potter?
A famous story written by the same author. A golden ticket plays an important role.
Charlie´s last name.
What is Vehmas?
The three forms of the verb "flyga".
What is fly flew flown?
One of the ladies that helped the Frank family while they were hiding.
Who is Miep (Gies)?
The students wrote their thoughts in this.
What is a diary?
The author of this short story.
Who is Roald Dahl?
The number of student who were born in September?
What is 2 ?(Adam & Alrik)
The three forms of the verb "förlåta".
What is forgive, forgave, forgiven?
The door to the attic was hidden behind this.
What is a book shelf?
The name of the actress that plays the teacher.
Who is Hilary Swank?
The most reasonable answer to what the husband had done to his wife.
What is cheating?
The total sum of how many minutes students from 9f have been late this semester.
What is no one can count?