Identify and fix the mistake: “I went to the store. Because I needed milk.”
What is "I went to the store because I needed milk."?
Fix the run-on: “I love pizza I could eat it every day.”
Fix the run-on: “I love pizza I could eat it every day.”OR "I love pizza, and I could eat it every day."?)
Fix this fragment: “While walking to school.”
What is "While walking to school, I saw a dog."?)
Fix the comma error: “Before we eat let’s say a prayer.”
What is "Before we eat, let’s say a prayer."?
Fix this sentence: “She speaks good.”
What is "She speaks well."?)
Correct this sentence: “She didn’t know where was the party.”
What is "She didn’t know where the party was."?)
Correct this comma splice: “She was tired, she went to bed early.”
What is "She was tired, so she went to bed early." OR "She was tired. She went to bed early."?)
Correct this fragment: “Because the store was closed.”
What is "Because the store was closed, we had to go somewhere else."?)
Correct this sentence: “I bought apples bananas oranges and grapes.”
What is "I bought apples, bananas, oranges, and grapes."?
Correct the misplaced modifier: “I only ate the cake at the party.”
What is "I ate only the cake at the party."?)
Fix the clause error: “I enjoy to read books before bed.”
What is "I enjoy reading books before bed."?
Fix the sentence: “The dog barked loudly the neighbors complained.”
What is "The dog barked loudly, so the neighbors complained."
Fix this fragment: “Such as running, swimming, and biking.”
What is "He enjoys activities such as running, swimming, and biking."?)
Fix the misplaced commas: “My brother, who lives in Texas is visiting.”
What is "My brother, who lives in Texas, is visiting."?
Fix the dangling modifier: “Walking to school, the rain started pouring.”
What is "Walking to school, I got caught in the rain."?
Identify the incorrect clause and correct it: “The cake that she baked it was delicious.”
What is "The cake that she baked was delicious."?
Rewrite this sentence to fix the run-on: “He studied all night however he still failed the test.”
What is "He studied all night; however, he still failed the test."?
Identify and correct the fragment: “The teacher, who always gave us too much homework.”
What is "The teacher, who always gave us too much homework, assigned another essay."?
Correct the comma placement: “She wanted to go, but couldn’t find a ride.”
What is "She wanted to go but couldn’t find a ride."? OR "She wanted to go, but she couldn’t find a ride."?)
Correct the misplaced modifier: “She almost drove her kids to school every day.”
What is "She drove her kids to school almost every day."?
Correct the sentence: “Whoever wants to join the club, they must sign up.”
What is "Whoever wants to join the club must sign up."?)
Correct the following: “I woke up late I missed the bus I had to walk to school.”
What is "I woke up late, so I missed the bus and had to walk to school."?
Correct the fragment: “Even though she tried her best.”
What is "Even though she tried her best, she still struggled with the test."?
“Without her parents support she wouldn’t have succeeded.”
What is "Without her parents' support, she wouldn’t have succeeded."?)
Fix the sentence: “Covered in chocolate, she ate the ice cream.”
What is "She ate the ice cream covered in chocolate."?