State of being
What is Verb
Literature techniques to help writings and stories
What is Figurative Language
Just a statement which always uses a period at the end
Magic and supernatural stuff
What is Fantasy
Who is Mr. Hanock
Usually before the noun
What is adjective
over exaturate for effect
What is Hyperbole
Shows emotion and uses a exclamation mark(!).
What is exclamatory
based real events not facts
What is Historical Fiction
My grade in english
What is 100%
You should limit this in your writing
What is adverbs
expression with opposite effect of what is intended
What is Irony
A sentence that is a command and uses either a period or an exclamation mark (!).
What is Imperative
potential future science and technology
What is sci-fi
What is 6
Most common of these represented by fanboys
What is conjunction
should not be used in writing that often because there cliché (overused) makes the reader lose focus
What is Idiom
A sentence that is a question and is represented by a question mark (?).
What is interrogative
intent to scare or make uncomfortable
What is Horror
The English block I am in.
What is block 2
Must address what it is talking about first, this can be used to make sentences less repetitive
What is Pronoun
When the audience is in on something the character isn’t.
What is Dramatic Irony
All the sentences in this column have been this type of sentence including this one.
What is Declarative
fiction stories that try to depict real, everyday life
What is Realism
It is ___ that my English teacher did not go on the Chicago trip.