What is on Canada's flag?
On Canada's flag is a leaf.
Who are 2 American Celebrities?
2 American celebrities are exemple Charli D'Amelio, Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson.
What is a show with aliens?
Stranger Things is a show with aliens.
Which is the word that is spelled wrong?
- Yellow - Purple
- Grey - Broun
The word that is spelled wrong is "Brown".
What is the English sound made by a cow?
The English sound made by a cow is "moo".
What is Canada's biggest sport?
Canada's biggest sport is ice hockey.
Who is the American president-elect?
Joe Biden is the American president-elect.
What is a show with doctors?
A show with doctors is "Grey's Anatomy".
What are 2 verb tenses (temps)?
2 verb tenses are past and present.
Dire 3 salutations anglaises
Hi, Hello, Hey, Good morning, G'day, Howdy, Whats' up?, How's it going?, 'Sup...
What are 2 canadian singers?
2 canadian singers are Céline Dion, Drake, etc.
Who gave the Statue of Liberty to the United States?
France gave the statue of liberty to the United States.
What are 3 Netflix shows?
3 Netflix shows are Breaking Bad, The 100, Paw Patrol.
What word type is "dog" (a verb, a noun, an adjective)?
Dog is a noun.
What is the pronunciation for "know"?
The pronunciations for know is "no"
Who is a Canadian celebrity?
A Canadian celebrity is Céline Dion, Justin Bieber, Drake, Ryan Reynolds, Justin Trudeau...
What are 3 American cities?
3 American cities are New York, Los Angeles, Miami.
What is the English word for "un méchant"?
The word for un méchant is "Villain".
What is the English for "16:00"
The English for 16:00 is "4:00".
Dire une question anglaise, qui a une réponse de "10".
Ex - "How old are you?"
What face is on Canadian coins?
On Canadian coins is Elizabeth 2nd.
When is Thanksgiving?
Thanksgiving is November 26.
What is the most popular TV series in Canada?
The most popular TV show is "Game of Thrones"
What is an adverb? (exemple)
An adverb is "Easily".
What is the pronunciation for "Thought"?