Who was Old Major and what historical figure does he resemble?
Old Major was a very respected and old pig on the farm. he became sick and tired of Jones and his men treating the animals like trash, so he made a speech about how rebellion should come. he introduced a song called Beasts of England to the animals and they loved it.Three days later, he passed away in his sleep. Old Major represents Vladimir Lenin, a Russian revolutionary, politician, and political theorist.
What is a scullery?
A scullery is a small room for preparing food or washing dishes.
What does exploits mean?
brave or daring actions.
What does sentimentality mean?
Sentimentality means to have excessive feelings or emotions, often over small things.
What is the definition of contentedly?
Contentedly means to be happy or satasfied.
Who is Napoleon and what historical figure does he represent?
Napoleon is a large and fierce Berkshire Boar who always gets his way. He turns Old Major's ideas of rebellion into Animalism. Napoleon is the primary antagonist of the animal farm and becomes the leader of the farm after the rebellion. He is aggressive, militaristic, and manipulative to the other animals to strengthen his power over the animals. Napoleon represents John Stalin, a politician and revolutionary who led the Soviet Union.
What is the definition of disheartened?
Disheartened means to feel discouraged or hopeless.
What is the definition of sympathized?
Sympathized means to feel or express concern for someone or something.
Who does Mollie represent in Animal Farm?
The bourgeoisie (upper and middle class)
What does cynical mean?
Cynical means to not trust or respect the goodness in other people or their actions, but believing they are only interested in themselves.
Who is Snowball and what historical figure does he represent?
Snowball is an intelligent and passionate pig who initially helps lead the rebellion. Snowball is known for his wit and innovative ideas, such as the construction of a windmill to generate electricity and improve the farm's productivity. Snowball is based on Leon Trotsky, a key leader in the Russian Revolution and a rival of Joseph Stalin.
What does reproached mean?
To criticize or blame someone.
Who was Julius Ceasar?
Julius Ceasar was a famous Roman general and leader known for his military strategies.
Who does Mr. Jones represent in Animal Farm?
Czar Nicholas II.
What does ensconced mean?
Ensconced means to settle down or to be settled.
Who is Boxer and who does he represent?
Boxer is a hardworking, but ignorant and naive cart horse. He is shown as the farm's most dedicated and loyal laborer. He represents the working class and peasants of the Soviet (lower class)
What is a lithograph?
A lithograph is a picture printed from a stone or metal plate.
What is the definition of impromptu?
done without planning or preparation.
After the Battle of the Cowshed, Mr. Jones's gun was found in the mud, and the animals decided to set up the gun at the foot of the flag pole and set it off twice a year. When did the animals fire the gun?
October 12 (the anniversary of the Battle of the Cowshed) and Midsummer's Day (the anniversary of the rebellion).
Summarize Old Major's speech.
In his speech, Old Major stated that rebellion against the humans must come. The humans treat the animals very poorly, barely giving them enough food to survive. Old Major says that anything that walks on 2 legs is an enemy, and anything that walks on 4 legs or has wings is a friend. He also says that all animals are equal.
Who is Squealer and what does he represent?
Squealer is a smalll fat pig who is very good at speaking and very persuasive. Squealer represents propaganda.
What is the definition of vivacious?
Vivacious means full of life, energy, and enthusiasm.
What is the definition of ignominious?
Something shameful or embarrassing.
Who does Moses represent in Animal Farm? (Bonus point if you can say why.)
The Russian Orthodox Church. Moses spies on the animals and manipulates them, just as the priests in the Russian Orthodox Church do to the people.
What are the 7 commandments?
The 7 commandments are the main principles of animalism.
1) Whatever goes upon 2 legs is an enemy.
2) Whatever goes upon 4 legs, or has wings is a friend.
3) No animal shall wear clothes.
4) No animal shall sleep in a bed.
5) No animal shall drink alchohol.
6) No animal shall kill any other animal.
7) All animals are equal.