Don't shout, ________? The baby is asleep!

a. do you

b. will you

c. don’t you

Don't shout, will you? The baby is asleep!

This is a polite request or mild command in English and "will" is used for requests to soften them. 


Which of the following words include these sounds?

/i:/ keep - night - lit - late - fry

/I/ feet - sit - night - keen - sigh

/i:/ KEEP - see, tree, green, eat, sheep, meet, leaf, need, piece, seek 

/I/ SIT - sit, fish, hit, milk, city, list, miss, ship 


What words do we use to create INVERTED CONDITIONALS?

  • HAD I known, I would have acted differently.
  • WERE she to ask, I would say yes.
  • SHOULD you need help, let me know.

  • If I had known, I would have acted differently.
  • If she were to ask, I would say yes.
  • If you should need help, let me know.

The English like tea ____________ Americans prefer coffee.

a. while

b. because

c. whereas

d. due to

The English like tea whereas/while Americans prefer coffee.


spotless or perfectly clean


a) Incessant

b) Subordinate

c) Ambiguous

d) Inquisitive

e) Concise

f) Authoritarian

g) Immaculate



_________for his help, we would have got into terrible trouble.

a. Thanks

b. Were it not

c. Because

Were it not for his help, we would have got into terrible trouble.


Which of the following words include these sounds?

/e/ gate - feel - fade - bell - grass

/3:/ feed - bet - food - fate - bird

/e/ BELL - red, head, said, bread, pen, ten, wet, set, head, rest, neck, jet, desk, men, dress, test

/3:/ BIRD - her, learn, term, serve, firm, shirt, person,  earn, church, early, hurt, perfect 


Can you give me an example of an impersonal passive?

The President was thought to be guilty of fraud.

Impersonal passive typically = using a form of the verb "to be" plus a past participle, without specifying a subject. Used in formal writing or when the identity of the actor is not important.


  1. It is said that the new policy will improve employee satisfaction.
  2. It was announced that the conference will be held online this year

Personal Passive: "The student was praised by the teacher."


It is _____________ believed that vegetarianism is the only way to save the planet.

a. widely

b. greatly

c. always

d. biggly

It is widely believed that vegetarianism is the only way to save the planet.

  • Widely is used to indicate that something is believed or accepted by many people across different places or groups.

  • Greatly suggests a significant degree but doesn’t fit as naturally in this context.

  • Always implies a consistent, unchanging state, which doesn’t fit the context of widespread belief.

  • Biggly is not a standard word in English. The correct term is bigly (a non-standard, informal term sometimes used to mean "greatly," but not appropriate here).


crystal +__________

a. success

b. account

c. county

d. schedule

e. clear

crystal clear


  1. Literal: Refers to something physically clear, like water or glass.

    • Example: "The lake was so clear, it looked crystal clear."
  2. Figurative: Refers to information or communication that is very straightforward and easily understood.

    • Example: "The instructions were crystal clear, so everyone knew exactly what to do."

He promised ___________ drinking.

a. to give up

b. give up

c. giving up

He promised to give up drinking.


Which of the following words include these sounds?

/ɑ:/ water - night - cat - stars - paper

/æ/ late - cat - laugh - best - tea

/ɑ:/ STARS - start, park, arm, farm, calm, father, large, glass, hard, heart, party, dark, barn, chart, art, card, bar, guard 

/æ/ CAT -  bat, apple, hat, man, dance, glass, black, stand, bag, snack, fan, land, map, stamp, flag, crash, answer, tragic 


Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?

a. If I would have known about the meeting, I would have attended.

b. Had I known about the meeting, I would have attended.

c. If I knew about the meeting, I would have attended.

d. If I have known about the meeting, I would have attended.


  • b. Had I known about the meeting, I would have attended.


  • b. Had I known: This is a correct use of the third conditional to express a past unreal condition.
  • a. If I would have known: Incorrect, as "would have" should not be used in the condition clause.
  • c. If I knew: Incorrect, as it uses the second conditional, which is for present or future unreal conditions.
  • d. If I have known: Incorrect, as it uses the present perfect tense in a conditional sentence, which is not suitable for expressing past unreal conditions.

Many people were trapped in their houses ___________ the heavy snowfall.

a. lead to

b. due to

c. owing to

d. because

Many people were trapped in their houses due to the heavy snowfall.

  • Due to is used to indicate the reason or cause of something. It fits well in the context of explaining why people were trapped in their houses.

  • Lead to - describes the result or consequence of an action, not the cause. For example, "The heavy snowfall led to many people being trapped in their houses."

  • Owing to is similar to "due to" and could also fit, but "due to" is more commonly used in this context (it is old-fashioned). 

  • Because is typically used to explain the reason within a full clause, as in, "People were trapped in their houses because of the heavy snowfall."




a) pinch

b) permanent

c) inconsistent

d) minimum

The best synonym for "shred" is minimum.


  • "Shred" often means a small or tiny piece of something, which aligns with the idea of a minimum amount or part.

I was wondering _________ you prefer tea or coffee.

a. whether

b. if

c. that

I was wondering WHETHER you prefer tea or coffee.

  • "Whether" is used to present and choose between TWO or more ALTERNATIVES.
  • "If" is LESS PRECISE for presenting alternatives and is more suitable for GENERAL UNCERTAINTY.

Which of the following words include this sound


A. Banana  B. Cat   C. Desk   D. Dog

/ə/- BANANA - problem, family, celebration, parent, doctor, elephant, teacher, letter, system


What do we use WISH + Past Simple for?


    • Example: I wish I had a better job. (I don’t have a better job now, and I regret it.)


    • Example: She wishes she knew the answer. (She does not know the answer now and wishes she did.)

It goes without ___________ that without nuclear weapons, the world would be a safer place.

a. telling

b. saying

c. explaining

d. reminding

It goes without saying that without nuclear weapons, the world would be a safer place.


  • "Saying" is the standard phrase used in the expression "It goes without saying," which means that something is so obvious or universally accepted that it doesn't need to be stated explicitly.

  • "Telling" is not used in this idiom and doesn’t fit the context.

  • "Explaining" and "reminding" also do not fit the idiomatic expression and do not convey the same meaning.


It was ____ from her face that she was really upset.

a. rush

b. opposed

c. apparent

d. stiff

e. legible

It was apparent from her face that she was really upset.


Both my parents work as lawyers. I'm under so much pressure to become one, but I don't know if I could live _____to their expectations.

a. up

b. down

c. out

Both my parents work as lawyers. I'm under so much pressure to become one, but I don't know if I could LIVE UP TO their expectations.

"Live up to someone’s expectations" means to meet or fulfill the standards or hopes that someone has set for you. This phrase implies that you are achieving or performing in a way that matches what was anticipated or hoped for by others.


Which of the following words include these sounds?

/aʊ/ shout - fall - down - look

/eɪ/ came - break - bike - being

/aʊ/ SHOUT + DOWN  - house, mouse, loud, found, brown, doubt, cloud, how, down, town, round 

/eɪ/ CAME + BREAK - play, say, great, train, rain, cake, make, name, break, face, gate, aim, late, awake, stay


What are the two mixed conditionals made of? Can you give an example?

1. Mixed Conditional Type 1:

  • If + Past Perfect (from Conditional 3) + would + base verb (present result of a past condition).
  • If I had studied harder, I would have a better job now

2. Mixed Conditional Type 2:

  • If + Past Simple (from Conditional 2) + would have + past participle (past result of a present or future condition).
  • If she were more organized, she would have finished the project on time

In ___________ of the above, it's probably true that...

a. light

b. contrast

c. account

d. reply

In light of the above, it's probably true that...

  • "In light of" is a common phrase used to mean "considering" or "taking into account" the information or situation mentioned. It is used to introduce a conclusion or observation based on what has been previously discussed or presented.

  • "In contrast" is used to highlight differences between two or more things and does not fit the context of considering or evaluating information.

  • "In account" is not a standard phrase used in this context. The correct phrase is "take into account."

  • "In reply" is used to respond to something and does not fit the context of evaluating or considering information.


asking too many questions


a) incessant

b) subordinate

c) ambiguous

e) inquisitive

f) concise

