Rania prepared the lesson yesterday.
Change to (Negative)
Rania didn't prepare the lesson yesterday.
She writes a letter.
Move to present continuous ( +)
She is writing a letter.
Ms. Hani and Mr. Keenan has bought 2 cards.
Fix the sentence!
Ms. Hani and Mr. Keenan have bought 2 cards.
The father of my mother is my...
My grandfather.
Saya suka bahasa Inggris.
I like English.
Miss Daning and I are sewing many clothes right now.
Change to (introgative)
Are miss indira and I sewing many clothes right now?
They are studying for the exam.
Move to simple present ( - )
They don't study for the exam.
He go to south Tangerang.
Fix the sentence!
He goes to south Tangerang.
The daughter of my aunt is...
My cousin.
Kamu dan kucingmu belum tidur di rumahku.
You and your cat haven't slept in my house.
My friends put a book on the table.
Change to (introgative).
Do My friends put a book on the table?
He has lived in New York.
Move to simple past ( ?)
Did he live in New York?
They send a blue book yesterday.
Fix the sentence!
They sent a blue book yesterday.
My mother's brother's wife is...
My aunt.
Kami membayar bunga bunga kuning di toko bersama ibu kami kemarin.
We payed yellow flowers in the store with our mothers yesterday.
My mother and my aunt will bake a cheesecake for my uncle tomorrow.
Change to (introgative)
Will My mother and my aunt bake a cheesecake for my uncle tomorrow ?
My friends finished the project in the office.
Move to present perfect ( -)
My friends haven't finished the project in the office.
She didn't liked him
Fix the sentence!
She didn't like him.
The son of my grandfather's daughter is...
My brother.
Akankan pamanmu memotong rumput di taman dekat rumahku?
Will your uncle cut the grass in the park near my house?
My uncle's students went to the tea party with his friends at the park near my house happily last month.
Change to (introgative)
Did My uncle's students go to the tea party with his friends at the park near my house happily last month?
We will travel to Paris with my family.
Move to simple present (?)
Do we travel to Paris with my family?
You and I will be clean the class together.
Fix the sentence!
You and I will clean the class together.
My father's mother's father is my...
My great grandfather.
Miss ayuna memiliki seekor gajah imut.
Miss ayuna has a cute elephant.