My name is ___. I'm from ___.
Do you have anything to declare?
Yes, I do. I have item name. / No, I don’t.
What is your favorite food?
My favorite food is __.
I like ___.
Turn left, turn right, go straight for, it will be on your right/left.
How are you? (Leveled Up)
Having a good day.
Doing awesome/great.
Not great.
What do you do for work?
I'm a ___.
I work in ___.
Hello, welcome to Canada! What is the purpose of your visit?
I’m here for business, vacation, visiting family/ friends.
What flavor of ramen do you like?
I like ___ ____.
EX: I like miso ramen.
What is "郵便局" in English.
Post Office
"Thanks for helping me!"
How do you respond?
You're welcome!
No problem!
Happy to help!
No worries!
What sports do you like?
I like ___.
How long will you be staying in Canada?
I will be staying for number of days/weeks.
How much is the pizza? Please read the number below.
It's $3.50.
What is "水族館" in English?
Fill in the blank.
You are really good at ___.
Example: You are really good at soccer.
What is Monbetsu famous for?
It's famous for ___.
*Scallops, the crab claw, Monta-kun etc
Please count from 11-30 in English.
Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty, Twenty-One, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Three, Twenty-Four, Twenty-Five, Twenty-Six, Twenty-Seven, Twenty-Eight, Twenty-Nine, Thirty.
What size would you like?
I'd like size please.
Where is the supermarket?
It's by the place name.
Fill in the blank.
I really like your ___. They are/it's ___.
Example: I really like your shoes. They are cool!
A full self introduction! Please tell us your name, where you are from, what your favorite food is, and what you do for work.
Hello! I'm ___. I'm from___. My favorite food is ___. I work at ___.
I am returning from Sapporo on March 24, please order me a return ticket.
I’d like a return ticket to Sapporo. I will return on March 24.
Let's order food using ''What would you like?''
I will ask you the questions, please order some food from the menu!
A: What would you like?
B: I’d like hot chocolate please.
A: How many?
B: 5 please.
A: Here you are.
B: Thank you!
Where is the ~ ?
Please guide me to the location I ask for.
Guide me to the correct location.
I need someone's attention, how can I use the phrase "excuse me" in this situation?
"Excuse me, can you help me?".