What is the capital of India
New Delhi
Unscramble : pordjaye
The London ____ Mystery
Where did Billy get his names for his two dogs?
They were engraved in a heart on a tree.
Who was the 4th President in the U.S.A
James Madison
Which state in the U.S.A. contains the highest mountain in the country?
Extra points if you can name the mountain.
Denali also known as Mount McKinley
Unscramble : cixteo
Names two series Stuart Gibbs wrote.
Funjungle, Moonbase Alpha, Spy School
Recite any verse from the Raven.
Extra points if you can recite more then one.
What is the largest animal currently on planet earth?
Blue Whale
Names the three largest countries in area from largest to smallest.
1. Russia
2. Canada
3. U.S.A.
This is the type of scrambled word where you have to find the letters before and after those letters in the alphabet. Then using them find a word.
Who is the author of "To be a Slave"
Julius Lester
Recite Autumn by Emily Dickinson
The morns are meeker than they were,
The nuts are getting brown;
The berry's cheek is plumper,
The rose is out of town.
The maple wears a gayer scarf,
The field a scarlet gown.
Lest I should be old-fashioned,
I'll put a trinket on.
Who were the first three players drafted in the NFL football draft?
Joe Burrow,
Chase Young,
Jeff Okudah,
What bodies of water does the country Libya border?
The Mediterranean Sea.
The first person to get a four-letter or more word wins.
Good luck!
Names three books per year in the past three years of the Adi's challenge.
What was the name of the first mystery story Mr. Haarmann read to us and what is it about.
Who invented the light bulb?
I will accept multiple different answers as no one man invented the light bulb.
Thomas Edison
Joseph Swan
Hiram Maxim
Alexander Lodygin
Alessandro Cruto
James Bowman Lindsay
Mathew Evans
What country is this the flag of?
(See flag)
You received the special challenge of the day. Heres what you're going to do. As you are reading this I am opening a document The first one to finish the document wins. Good luck! If you are not one of the three who are currently up, unfortunately, you will not be able to compete on this challenge.
Good luck!
" "...My no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather" The other boys howled with laughter. Even Zero smiled. "
That is a line from a book. What books is it? Who is the author?
Holes by Louis Sachar
A while back Mr. Haarmann told us a phone number or a series of 13 numbers. What are those numbers?
201 – 445 – 5107
√([4x]/7) = 12
Solve for x
You may use a calculator
x = 252