This genre has superheroes, explosions, and a lot of fights.
I like swimming, but I doesn’t like running.
❌ Incorrect
Correct sentence: I like swimming, but I don’t like running.
like apples __ oranges (and/but/or).
I like apples or oranges
He pizza like
He likes pizza.
This genre makes you laugh with funny situations and jokes.
She don’t like playing soccer.
❌ Incorrect
Correct sentence: She doesn’t like playing soccer.
My friend loves music, __ he doesn’t like to dance.
My friend loves music, but he doesn’t like to dance,
not she like swimming
She doesn’t like swimming
A story where ghosts, monsters, or killers scare the characters
Does he like watching horror movies?
✅ It's Correct
I like soccer __ I don’t like tennis (and/but/or?)
I like soccer but I don’t like tennis
friend your like playing soccer?
Does your friend like playing soccer?
This type of movie involves magical creatures, distant worlds, and powerful spells.
Fantasy or animation
We likes reading books and writing stories.
❌ Incorrect
Correct sentence: We like reading books and writing stories.
Explain the difference between but and or.
But is for contrast, Or is for choices.
likes she dancing salsa to
She likes to dancing salsa.
A detective investigates a strange murder with supernatural elements.
My brother doesn’t likes eat vegetables
❌ Incorrect
Correct sentence: My brother doesn’t like eat vegetables.
I like pizza __ pasta, ___ I don’t like sushi, __ fish in general.
I like pizza and pasta, but I don’t like sushi, or fish in general.
love books brother read and watch movies My
My brother loves reading books and watching movies.