What year was New Jew/deToledo founded
Who is our Head of School
Mark Shpall
Which rhetorical device does this sentence exemplify?
"The door weighed a billion tons"
Who was Tom Buchanan having his affair with
Myrtle Wilson
Which famous 90s sitcom occasionally takes place in the coffee shop "Central Perk"
Why did New Jew change its name to deToledo
Alyce and Phillip deToledo (The deToledo family) donated a lot to the school and so the school changed its name in their honor
Who is the school's Director of Global Education
Lior Sibony
Which rhetorical device does this sentence exemplify?
"Those eyes were as blue as the ocean"
What does West Egg represent in The Great Gatsby
New Money
Which 2013 Netflix British Drama show stars Cillian Murphy as its main character
Peaky Blinders
Who was deToledo's first Head of School
Bruce Powell
Who is the Dean of Students
Gregory Keer
Which rhetorical device does this sentence exemplify?
"It was as if Mickey Mouse had walked into the room with how animated he acted"
George Wilson
In the popular sitcom Community, who is Troy Barnes' best friend
Abed Nadir
What year did deToledo change its name from New Jew
Who is the school's Director of Enrollment
Debbie Abelson
Which rhetorical device does this sentence exemplify?
"The dance was full of grace and beauty and wonder and so much emotion"
Meyer Wolfsheim
In the film Jurassic Park what is the name of the park owner
John Hammond
What year did Mark Shpall become Head of School
Who is the school's Director of Admissions
Michelle November
Which rhetorical device does this sentence exemplify?
"We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets "
In which battalion did Nick Carraway serve in WWI
For which movie did Steven Spielberg win his first Oscar for Best Director
Schindler's List