Edmund falsely claims that this man is trying to kill Gloucester.
Who is Gloucester's legitimate son Edgar.
This is the setting of the balcony scene.
What is the Capulet's orchard?
Det er det, man kalder "there" i denne sætning: "There is something wrong in the relationship between King Lear and his daughters."
Hvad er "foreløbigt subjekt/grundled"?
What is being unhappily in love with Rosaline?
It is the type of imagery employed here: "Juliet is the sun!"
What is a metaphor?
The reason why King Lear is going mad.
What is that fact that Lear's daughters turn their backs on him and leave him homeless and destitute?
This is what "ere" means.
What is "before"?
Det er det relative pronomen, der findes i dette afsnit: "The two oldest daughters, Goneril and Reagan, give extravagant speeches about their love for the King. His youngest and favorite daughter, Cordelia, refuses to flatter him and says nothing. In response, the King casts Cordelia out and hands over his power to Goneril and Reagan. To Lear’s astonishment, Goneril and Reagan disown the former king, leaving him homeless and destitute. He wanders the moors accompanied only by his Fool, descending into madness. At the same time, a nobleman whose name is Gloucester has similar family trouble."
Hvad er "whose"?
This is what happened to Tybalt.
What is being killed by Romeo?
This is the structure of a Shakespearean sonnet.
What is "three quatrains and a couplet"?
This is the cause of King Lear's death.
What is grief?
The meaning of the word "nought".
What is "nothing"?
Det er (mindst tre ud af de) fire tilfælde, hvor der bruges do-omskrivning på engelsk.
Hvad er......?
- emfase (for at understrege verbet)
- spørgsmål
- imperativ / bydemåde
- ved not-sætninger
What is "star-crossed"?
Shakespeare's years of birth and death. +/- 10 years (you get a bonus point for the correct date, Ida :)
What are the 23. of April 1564 and the 23. of April 1616?
The reason why Goneril poisons her sister Reagan.
What is jealousy over a man? (they were both in a relationship with Edmund at the same time... )
This is the word used about the act of speaking one's thoughts aloud when by oneself
What is a soliloquy?
Dette er mindst fem af de syv typer pronominer. (Både latin og dansk accepteres)
Hvad er ..... ?
- relative pronominer / henførende stedord
- interrogative pronominer/ spørgende stedord
- personlige pronominer / personlige stedord
- demonstrative pronominer / påpegende stedord
- possessive pronominer / ejestedord
- indefinitte pronominer / ubestemte stedord
- refleksive pronominer / tilbagevisende stedord
This is the expression (simile) Romeo used to describe an angel in the balcony scene.
What is a "winged messenger of heaven"?
These are the names of eight plays by William Shakespeare.
These are the names of two of King Lear's daughters. (he has three but you only have to name two.)
Who are Goneril, Reagan and Cordelia?
The word which looks and sounds like the sound it makes (e.g.: slam, splash or meow)
What is onomatopeia? (or onomatopoetikon)
Det er tre tilfælde, hvor der er omvendt ordstilling på engelsk. (der er flere tilfælde, men I skal blot nævne tre)
Hvad er:
- et spørgsmål (Are you sure?)
- et indskrænkende adverbialled i starten af sætningen (Never have I ever....)
- når verbet er "let" og subjektet "tungt" (Here comes the bride / Then entered the world's greatest footballer - ever!)
- ved conditionel (hvis "if" udelades i en hypotetisk sætning - Had we but time enough... (if we had time enough....)
- ved direkte tale, hvor subjektet er et proprium (egennavn) ("Oh no," said William)
- når there er foreløbigt subject (There are too girls outside)
The words that are missing in this quote by Juliet:
Two of the fairest ..... in all the heaven
Having some ........, do entreat her eyes
To ....... in their spheres till they return.
What are ....?
- stars - business - twinkle
The words that are missing from this quote from Sonnet 130:
I grant I never saw a ....... go;
My ........, when she walks, treads on the ground.
And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare
As any ... belied with false compare.
What are...?
- goddess
- mistress
- she