The polite way to ask permission to have a drink of water
May I have a drink of water?
When you left your homework on the table at home
I have forgotten my homework.
You do not know what page we are on
What page are we on?
Ich habe eine Frage
I have a question
How to greet (say hello) to your teacher first thing in the morning
Good morning, Mrs./Mr. .......
You did not hear the homework and need it repeated
Could you repeat the homework?
You do not know if you need to write this down
Do we need to write this down?
Können Sie das bitte wiederholen?
Could you repeat that, please?
The classroom is really warm and you want to open the window
May I open the window?
You want the homework written on the board
Could you write the homework on the board?
You do not understand and want the teacher to explain it again
Could you explain that again, please?
Ich verstehe nicht
I do not (don't) understand
You are late to class and need to apologize
I'm sorry that I'm late.
You need to know when the homework is due (what day you need to finish it by)
When is the homework due?
You want to know if you can work with other people on this task
Can we work together?/Can we work with a partner?
Wie sagt man ..... auf Englisch?
How do you say ..... in English?
Going to the toilet
May I go to the toilet?
You did not do your homework, and you feel really bad and want to say sorry.
I'm sorry, I did not do the homework
It's the end of the lesson, and you want to know if you can put your books away.
Can we put our books away?
Kann ich mir bitte deinen Stift ausleihen?
Can I borrow your pen, please?