The Colonies
The French
The French and Indian War
Vocabulary Builder
Native Americans

100+ acre cash crop farms run by planters whose wealth was dependent on slavery.

What are plantations?


This geographical structure was used for trade by the French.

What is the Mississippi River?


The French and Indian War started when British colonists attempted to settle in this area due to its fertile soil.

What was the Ohio River Valley?

A river or stream that flows into a larger river

What is a tributary?


King Philip's War was named after this Wampanoag Native American chief who demanded to be treated on equal standing with King Charles of England (his real name)

Who was Metacomet?


The colonies that make up the original 13 colonies

What are Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania,  Delaware, Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia


The names for the French-claimed territory

What were New France and Louisiana?


This young Virginian led a number of unsuccessful battles during the war.

Who was George Washington?


The term for soldiers who are injured, captured, or killed

What are casualties?


The Huron and Algonquian Confederacies aligned themselves primarily with the French, while this Confederacy worked primarily with the British

What is the Iroquois Confederacy?


This geographic land structure separated the colonies from Indian Territory and French-claimed land

What are the Appalachian Mountains?


These areas were used by French fur trappers in the late 1600s to early 1700s.

What were the Ohio River Valley and the Hudson Bay?


Prior to ending the war, France signed an agreement to transfer the French land west of the Mississippi River to this country.

What was Spain?


These are voluntary civilians who serve as soldiers

What is a militia?


This was the primary argument of the Native American tribes in regards to continuing their attacks on the British following the end of the French and Indian War

They had never signed the Treaty of Paris


2,000,000 and 88,000

The approximate number of settlers in the colonies as compared to the French-claimed land


This was the largest French settlement in Louisiana, located about 100 miles north of the mouth of the Mississippi River.

What is New Orleans?


This war was simultaneously fought between the same countries in Europe.

What was the Seven Years' War?


The first Europeans to settle the frontier

What are pioneers?


This Ottawa chief led forces from the Delaware, Huron, Miami, Ottawa, and Shawnee tribes against British colonists from 1763 to 1766 in the Hudson Bay and Ohio River Valley

Who was Chief Pontiac


Colonists from the Carolinas and Virginia began to move to this area around the time of the French and Indian War

What is the backcountry or frontier?


This man named the area he explored after King Louis XIV.

Who was Robert de La Salle?


Prior to the French and Indian War beginning, Benjamin Franklin proposed this plan to unite all of the colonies (except Georgia) against France.

What was the Albany Plan of Union?


The number of exports as compared to the number of imports that a country has

What is the balance of trade?


As a result of continued tensions between Native Americans and British colonists in the Ohio River Valley and Hudson Bay, King George III passed this which forbade the colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains.

What is the Proclamation of 1763?
