Tell me your name
My name is...
Tell me one thing you like to do
I like to...
Tell me the name of your mom
My mom's name is...
When is your birthday?
My birthday is... MONTH (XX)
Ask me my name
What is your name?
Ask someone what is his favorite thing to do
What is your favorite hobby?
How many sisters are in your family?
There are no Sisters in my family
There are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, sisters in my family
Tell me your email
My email is...
Where are you from?
I'm from...
Choose one: Read, Sing or Swim. Why do you like this hobby?
I like to read because it's fun
I like to sing because it's relaxing
I like to swim because it's easy
How many brothers or sisters does Marcela have? Ask her!
Marcela, how many sisters do you have?
Ask someone about their phone number
FULANO, what is your phone number?
Tell me how old you are
I'm (XX) years old
Choose one: Run, Bike or Hiking. Why don't you like to do it?
I don't like to run because it's hard
I don't like to bike because it's expensive
I don't like to hiking because it's boring
Ask for the name of the kids of a dad in the class
FULANO, what's your kids name?
Tell me your email, phone number and address
My email is...
My phone number is...
My address is...
Tell me 3 different ways to say "How are you?"
How you doing? / How have you been? / What's up? / You all right?...
Congratulations! You're so brave. 500 point for free!
lol lol lol lol lol Uhuuuuul lol lol lol lol lol
Describe your family (Their names, ages and what they are of you - dad, mom, sister)
Tereza - she's my mom.
My mom is 57 years old.
Julio - he's my brother. He's 42 years old
Ask someone all their basic information (Full name, Address, phone number, email and birthday)
FULANO, what is your Full name? What is your address? What is your phone number, what is your email? When is your birthday?