Body Language
Interesting Topics
Polite Requests

When speaking to another person, what should you do? 

Make eye contact and smile. 


When someone is talking angrily at us should we respond in a polite manner or direct way? 

Both, but always show patience and politeness when speaking in a direct way. 


When meeting someone new, do you ask them how old they are? Is age a good topic to discuss? Yes or No? 

No. It's best to keep the topic mutual and light. 


You want to get more water at the restaurant. How would you make a polite request to the waiter?

Could we or I have some more water, please? 


past participle of walk



Is it rude to speak when with your mouth is full of food? 

Yes. It's polite to wait until the person is finished chewing his or her food until you speak with them. 


When you're in a business meeting. How should you speak?

A. Read the information from the paper while never making eye contact with the audience

B. Talk about the highlights of your presentation with a clear voice

C. Give lots of details and don't answer questions

D. Give an antidote but don't relate directly to the topic of your presentation

B. Talk about the highlights of your presentation with a clear voice


What are some ice breakers or good topics to discuss when meeting new people? 

A. Weather

B. Money

C. Job

D. Food

A and B It's good to find topics that people can discuss and feel comfortable talking about. For instance, "Would you like to have coffee? Or, "The day is hot today, would you mind if we stay indoors?".


You are watching a movie and the person next to you is playing with their cell phone. How do you make a polite request to stop their activity? 

Madame or Sir could you please turn your cell phone off. We are watching the movie? 


past participle of begin



When is the proper time to ask someone a favour in English?

A. When someone is currently busy talking on the phone?

B. When someone you don't know is sleeping?

C. They are a friend or colleague and seem friendly to questions or requests or favours

D. When someone is crying or feeling very sad. 

C. They are a friend or colleague and seem friendly to questions or requests or favours. 


If the other person has an accent and its difficult to understand them. How should you respond?

Make a polite request to repeat what they said? And mention its hard for you to understand them.  


When making new friends, what topics would you discuss? 

Some topics that are popular are clothing, fashion, food, movies, smartphone, games, school, etc, etc.


Your co-worker is always yelling at you to do your work. How do you tell him to stop screaming at you? 

You ask him to have a meeting with you. You ask, "could you please stop yelling at me I would appreciate it". Warn him that such abuse is not tolerated anymore and he could be fined or punished for such behaviour. 


order the sentence 

this/working /hard /very/ been /I weekend/ last

i have been working very hard this last  weekend


What is the correct posture for having a job interview? 

A. Legs far apart and back curled

B. Back straight and legs close together with eyes and head looking forward. Hands clasped together

C. Back reclined and head looking down. 

B. Back straight and legs close together with eyes and head looking forward. Hands clasped together


What are some ways to make small talk with a colleague from work?

Use compliments or talk about the weather then move towards more interactive topics. 


Topics of interest can change when you're in a different setting. What topics would you discuss if you are at a job interview with other candidates? 

Some topics would include; weather, food, some background information about where you are from originally, etc, etc.


Your taxi driver is driving too fast and reckless. How do you make a polite request to slow down?

"Sir, please slow down. I am not in a hurry".


What subtle hints can you give if you want to end the conversation?

A. Make strong eye contact and look attentive

B. Ask lots of questions and look interested in the conversation

C. Show you're tired by yawning or looking at your watch

D. Make a polite smile and eye contact and say that you need to take rest now and will talk later

D. Make a polite smile and eye contact and say that you need to take rest now and will talk later


When on a date, what kind speaking topics would be helpful to make two people come closer together? 

Try talking about similar interests, food, travel, or movies (etc). Ask questions about the other person background. Listen patiently when they are speaking. 


You want your mother to give you more money. What topic would you discuss to help you get more money? 

As an introduction, it would be best to discuss the topic of "cost of living". If you can convince your mother that it's getting expensive to live now, she might decide to give you more money. 


Your English teacher is talking too fast. How do you make a polite request to ask him to slow down? 

Teacher, can you please talk slower, it's hard for me to listen if you talk too fast. Thank you
