Which is preferable 12:00 am or midnight?
Who wrote "Discovery of the Pacific Ocean"?
Washington Irving
What part of speech is a person, place, thing or idea?
What is a declarative sentence?
Makes a statement and ends with a period
What season was it when the pilgrims landed?
What is incorrect? Joy & Aaron will be going to the park.
Do not use & in manuscript form
Who wrote "After Twenty Years"?
O. Henry
What part of speech shows action, links, helps, or indicates existence?
What does an interrogative sentence end with?
question mark
What ocean did Balboa discover?
Does A.D. go before or after the year?
Who wrote "Time to Talk"
Robert Frost
What part of speech modifies a noun or pronoun?
What type of sentence shows sudden or strong feeling.
Who lived on an island
Robinson Crusoe
When can you use figures for a number in a sentence?
When it is more than two words
Who wrote Of Plymouth Plantation?
William Bradford
What part of speech joins words or groups of words?
What type of sentence makes a request or gives a command?
Who was Anabelle's cousin?
When can honorable or reverend be spelled out?
When it preceded the full name without the before it
Who wrote Robinson Crusoe
Daniel Defoe
What part of speech shows how a noun or pronoun is related to some other word in the sentence
What is the subject of an imperative sentence?
implied you
What were the children not to eat all of in "Keeping House"?
the sugar