Sounds & the human voice
Speculation & deduction
Describing books and films
Adding emphasis: inversion

Complete the sentence with one of the following verbs in the past simple: buzz, creak, rattle, screech, sigh, slam, whisper, whistle.

Mabel _____ the door and walked off angrily.



Right or wrong? Correct any mistake in the phrases in bold.

Dave's really late, isn't he? I think he might get lost.

he might have got lost.


Write the adjective for the definition.

th_____-pr_____ = making you think seriously about a particular subject or issue



Right or wrong? Correct any mistake in the phrases in bold.

Not only we saw the sights, we managed to do some shopping as well.

Not only did we see the sights...


Complete with appropriate modal verbs.

1 Ben ________ have been home. His car was outside and I saw him go in the house! 

2 Betty ________ be very happy. Her new job sounds absolutely fantastic. 

1 must

2 must


Complete the sentence with one of the following verbs in the past simple: buzz, creak, rattle, screech, sigh, slam, whisper, whistle.

1 'Thanks, darling,' she ______ softly in his ear.

2 He _____ a happy tune as he walked down the street.

1 whispered

2 whistled


Right or wrong? Correct any mistake in the phrases in bold.

1 The waiter didn't probably notice that they had left without paying.

2 I think it's unlikely that I'll be given a work permit.

1 The waiter probably didn't notice...

2 correct


Write the adjective for the definition.

de_____ = making you feel very sad and without enthusiasm



Right or wrong? Correct any mistake in the phrases in bold.

Only when the main character dies does her husband realize how much he loved her.



Choose the correct alternative.

1 Do you think Barry might have / can't be / may stolen the laptop?

2 The business can’t do / be doing / to do very well. They haven’t sold anything since last year.

3 No sooner did / had / were we arrived at that office than they told us to go back home.        


1 might have

2 be doing

3 had


Complete the sentence with the appropriate verbs in the past simple.

'I wish he was here - I really miss him,' she _____.



Right or wrong? Correct any mistake in the phrases in bold.

1 What a wonderful smell! Somebody must bake some bread.

2 You definitely won't pass your driving test if you drive that fast!

3 I called you yesterday. You should have got a message on your voicemail.

1 Somebody must be baking...

2 correct 

3 correct


Write the adjective for the definition.

in_____ = very interesting because of being unusual or not having an obvious answer or ending



Complete the sentence with the right form of the verb in brackets.

No sooner _____ (they / get) married than James lost his job.

had they got


Complete the phrases with the appropriate phrases.

1 Not only ________ get lost, but you forgot to bring money for parking!

2 Not until you ________ another country do you understand your own country.   

3 Rarely ________ had a more enjoyable evening.      

1 did you

2 get to know

3 have I


Complete the sentence with the appropriate verbs in the past simple.

1 The wind was so strong that the windows _____.

2 The car's brakes _____ as it came to a stop.

1 rattled

2 screeched


Complete the sentence with the right form of the verb in brackets.

My neighbour can't _____ (work) very long hours. He's always home by early afternoon.



Write the adjective for the definition.

_____ = exciting or interesting in a way that keeps your attention



Complete the sentence with the right form of the verb in brackets.

Never _____ (I  / see) such a wonderful view. It completely took my breath away.

had/have I seen


Choose a correct word for the definition.

1 frightening and not easy to forget
A haunting         B  intriguing         C  moving       

2 difficult to deal with
A entertaining         B  heavy-going         C  fast-moving      

3 to laugh in a silly way
A giggle         B  groan         C  mumble     

4 to cry noisily, taking sudden sharp breaths
A sigh         B stammer         C sob      


1 haunting

2 heavy-going

3 giggle

4 sob


Complete the sentence with the appropriate verbs in the past simple.

1 A bee flew in through the window and _____ round the room.

2 The door of the old library _____ open slowly, but there was nobody there!

1 buzzed

2 creaked


Complete the sentence with the right form of the verb in brackets.

1 The traffic is quite bad - she's unlikely ______ (arrive) before 7.00.

2 Maria is bound _____ (hear) the news - everybody was talking about it yesterday.

1 to arrive

2 to have heard


Write the adjective for the definition.

1 _____ = causing you to have deep feelings of sadness or sympathy

2 _____ = not seeming reasonable or likely to be true

1 moving

2 implausible


Complete with the appropriate phrase.

________ you work like a professional will we pay you like a professional.

not until


Complete the sentences with the appropriate words in the correct form.

1 The sound of my colleague ______ his fingers on his desk really bothers me.

2 Leo stormed out of the room and ______ the door angrily.

3 My housemate Ben ________ so loudly I can hear him from my room.

4 The tap in the kitchen has been  ________ for days now.    

1 tapping
2 slammed
3 snores
4 dripping
