Grammar Correct Form
Correct tense
Complete with 1 word
Vocabulary 1 word
Choose correct word

1   We live in the oldest / oldest cottage in the village.

2   I like working here. They pay very well / good.

1   the oldest

2   well


1   Amelie ________ (go) to bed now because she needs to get up early in the morning.

2   A Where ________ Mila ________ (live) at the moment?

1   ’s going

2   is…living


1   Let’s meet ________ front of the restaurant at 9.30.

2   A: What do you like doing on Friday evenings?

     B: I like ________ TV with my brother.

1   in

2   watching


1   They get up at 8 o’clock and they s________ work at 9 o’clock.

2   Ben works for a n________. He’s a journalist.

1   start

2   newspaper


1   I ________ a lot of text messages from Lena.

  A  download      B  get      C  do  

2   You can see a lot of animals at the ________.

 A  zoo      B  market      C pharmacy

1   B

2   A


3   Freddie drove the car through / into the garage.

4   This is a cheap laptop / laptop cheap.

3   into

4   cheap laptop


3   My cousins ________ (not be) boys. They’re girls.

4   She ________ (send) me 15 text messages yesterday.

3   aren’t

4   sent


3   A: Do you like my new ring?

     B: I love ________.

4   My son wants to be ________ accountant.

3   it

4   an


3   She’s listening to music but it isn’t noisy. She’s wearing h________.

4   It’s raining but that’s OK because I have an u________.

3   headphones

4   umbrella


3   We need a ________ of mineral water.

     A  carton      B  jar      C  bottle  

4   My brother works in a ________. He’s an actor.

     A  hospital      B  theatre      C  supermarket  

3   C

4   B


5   Her desk is next to / next the window.

6   Simon’s birthday is on / in 5th May.

5   next to

6   on


5   ________ (be) Salvador at home yesterday afternoon?

6   What kind of magazines ________ you ________ (like) reading?

5   Was

6   do …like


5   ________ is a lot of milk in the fridge.

6   She ________ sing but she can’t play the guitar.

5   There

6   can


5   Do you want to p________ football with me?

6   S________ is the opposite of happy.

5   play

6   Sad


5   Mariam’s a ________. She works in a hotel.

     A  receptionist      B  lawyer      C  journalist  

6   My ________ visited on Sunday. She’s my brother’s daughter.

     A  cousin      B  aunt      C  niece  

5   A

6   C


7   Diana and Annabel decided going / to go out for dinner.

8   Who’s / Whose pen is this?

7   to go

8   Whose


7   Salma ________ (have) long hair when she was a child.

8   We didn’t have any water so we ________ (be) very thirsty.

7   had

8   were


7   A: Do you think it’s ________ to rain?

     B: Yes, it’s very cloudy.

8   A: ________ you have a good time at the party last weekend?

     B: Yes, I did, thanks.

7   going

8   Did


7   It wasn’t e________. It was cheap.

8   I need my g________ to read this magazine.

7   expensive

8   glasses


7   Put your dirty cup in the ________, please.

       A  dishwasher      B  microwave      C  washing machine  

8   She’s a famous model. She’s very ________.

       A  poor      B  ugly      C  beautiful  

7   A

8   C


9   We don’t have any / some tea. Would you like coffee?

10   He always has the lunch / lunch at 1.30.

9   any

10   lunch


9   A: What are you doing?

     B: I ________ (look) for my dictionary.

10   Brandon ________ (not be) born in the UK.

9   ’m looking

10   wasn’t


9   I’m ________ to give my sister a fantastic present for her birthday.

10   A: Is this Vanessa’s bag?

       B: No, it isn’t ________, it’s mine.

9   going

10   hers


9   Laura’s a m________. She plays the drums, piano and trumpet.

10   We bought it on the i________, not in a shop.

9   musician

10   internet


9   I’m very ________. Could I have something to eat?

     A  worried      B  hungry      C  thirsty  

10   We’re going to ________ in a great hotel.

     A  rent      B  visit      C  stay  

9   B

10   C
