A small container or wrapper, typically made of paper, plastic, or other material, used to package goods, often food.
1. Easy Level:
1. Easy Level:
I will call you when I arrive at the airport.
Answer: will
"Will" is used for a decision made at the moment of speaking or for promises. In this case, the speaker is deciding to call someone when they arrive at the airport.
This stage is characterized by adolescence, where individuals experience significant physical, emotional, and social changes.
A person who works temporarily for an organization, typically as a student or recent graduate, to gain practical experience in a particular field.
It is used for hypothetical or unlikely situations in the present or future.
Structure: If + past simple, would + infinitive.
Example: If I had a million dollars, I would travel the world.
Second Conditional
A person whose job is to collect waste, trash, or rubbish from homes, businesses, or other places and transport it to disposal sites.
Refuse collector
2. Medium Level:
2. Medium Level:
We shall visit our grandparents next weekend.
Answer: shall
"Shall" is often used in British English for future actions, especially in formal contexts or for suggestions/offers. Here, it is used to suggest the action of visiting grandparents in the future.
A young child who is between the ages of 1 and 3. This stage is marked by rapid growth, early speech development, and the beginning of walking.
A method of teaching or training that provides detailed guidance on a specific topic or skill. It often involves step-by-step instructions, demonstrations, or explanations to help someone learn how to do something.
It is used to talk about a possible future event or situation that depends on a condition. It refers to a real possibility.
If + present simple, will + base verb
First Conditional
A cover that fits over the opening of a container, such as a jar, bottle, or pot, to close it and keep its contents safe or fresh.
3. Intermediate Level:
3. Intermediate Level:
I think it is going to rain later, so take an umbrella.
Answer: is going to
"Going to" is used to express plans or predictions based on present evidence. In this case, the prediction is based on the speaker’s observation (e.g., dark clouds in the sky) that it’s going to rain.
A person who has stopped working, typically because they have reached a certain age or have accumulated enough resources to live without the need for regular employment. This stage usually occurs after a long career.
A period of work experience, often unpaid, where a person (usually a student) works for an organization to gain practical skills and experience in a specific industry or profession.
Can you give me a first conditional sentence.
Structure: If + present simple, will + infinitive.
Example: If it rains tomorrow, I will stay at home.
A metal container, often used to store food, drinks, or other goods. It is usually made of steel.
4. Harder Level:
He will finish his project by tomorrow, because he promised he would.
Answer: will
"Will" is used here to indicate a future action that is certain or definite, especially when the speaker is confident about the outcome due to a promise or prior arrangement.
It occurs when too much light hits the camera's sensor or film, resulting in an image that is too bright and lacks detail in the highlights. It happens when the exposure settings (shutter speed, aperture, or ISO) allow too much light to enter the camera.
A long, formal piece of writing that presents research and findings on a particular subject, usually required for a doctoral degree or other advanced academic qualification.
Can you give me two conditional sentences; first & second
First Conditional: Used for real or possible situations in the future.
Second Conditional: Used for hypothetical or unlikely situations in the present or future.
Structure: If + past simple, would + infinitive.
Example: If I had a million dollars, I would travel the world.
The date printed on a product, particularly food items, indicating the last date the product should be sold. After this date, the product might not be at its best quality, though it may still be safe to consume for some time.
5. Advanced Level:
5. Advanced Level:
I’m not sure what I will do this summer, but I’m thinking of traveling abroad.
Answer: will
"Will" is used here because the speaker is uncertain about their plans but is considering future possibilities. The speaker hasn’t decided yet but is expressing a potential future action.
It refers to a type of photo that typically captures wide, open views of nature, such as mountains, valleys, oceans, or fields. It can also be used to describe the orientation of the photo, where the image is wider than it is tall (horizontal).
An official record or certification showing that someone has met the necessary requirements or completed the necessary training to perform a specific job or task.
These are sentences that express hypothetical situations and their possible outcomes or consequences. They usually consist of two parts: the if-clause (which presents the condition) and the main clause (which presents the result or consequence). Conditionals are used to discuss possible, real, or imagined situations and their results.