What are the three main characters' names in Harrison Bergeron
Hazel, George, and Harrison
what is symbolic about a Pheonix
a Pheonix is a symbol of rebirth
what are the two sides called
savagery vs civilization
what is ICE
a writing method that helps you effectively incorporate evidence into your writing
What is the element that makes Harrison Bergeron a dystopian story.
Who is the person that changes how montag thinks
what motivates the boys on the island
the beast
what is ICE format
Topic Sentence/Introduce Relevance/Cite your Evidence/Explain your evidence/Conclude
what does dystopian mean
relating to or denoting an imagined state or society where there is great suffering or injustice.
what book does montag steal
the bible
what does the conch symbolize
order unity and authority
what should be in the topic sentnce of an ice response
Answer your prompt. If the prompt uses the author and title, so should you! Introduce the topic of your paragraph.
what is the government trying to do in this story
make sure everyone is equal but they put unfair and cruel handicaps on people
what is the element that makes this book dystopian
people are not allowed to read
why is the fire so important
it is a signal so that the boys can be saved
what should be in the body of you ICE repsponse
introduce context. qoute with a cite. then you will explain.
who removes their handicaps
what is a stream of consciousness
a paragraph that doesn't make sense and is the character's continuous thoughts.
why do the hunters wear war paint
it causes the boys to be more savage
what should be in the conclusion of you ice repsonse
Lead with transition phrase/Restates the story/Reanswers the prompt using new wording/Summarize your main idea(s)