Identifying Grammar
Writing Techniques
Key Terms
Key Terms 2

What is a noun?

Person, place, thing, or idea


Identify the nouns:

Ms. Head went to Miami for vacation.

*hint: 2

Ms. Head went to Miami for vacation.

Ms. Head (person)

Miami (place)


What is "opinion writing"?

Writing about what you think or how you feel about something. 

EX: In my opinion, students should NOT be assigned homework because it doesn’t help them understand the content. 


What is Textual Evidence?

Textual Evidence: Readers should identify textual evidence to support their ideas.

For example: citations or quotes


What is "Point of view?"

Point of view: authors feelings or opinions about the subject


What is a verb?

a word that tells what the subject in a sentence is doing, saying, being, having, thinking, or feeling.


Identify the nouns:

A new Macbook Pro brought happiness to Ms. Head

*hint: 3

A new Macbook Pro brought happiness to Ms. Head.

Macbook Pro (thing)

happiness (idea)

Ms. Head (person)


What is "informal vs formal writing"?

Informal writing is language when having a conversation or use of slang (ex: bro, cuz) 

Formal writing is academic writing (because, in my opinion) 


What are Ideas?

Ideas: "Thoughts"


What is "cause and effect"?

Cause and effect: Authors explain how or why something happened. 

EX: Practice makes the team play better


What is an adverb?

Gives the time, place, cause, or manner in which an action is done.


Identify the grammar:

James read a book in the classroom.

*hint: 4

James read a book in the classroom.

James (noun, person)

read (verb)

book (noun, thing)

classroom (noun, place)


What is "argumentative writing"?

Uses facts and evidence to support the claim. 

EX: Driverless cars are not safe because they can cause more accidents on the road.


What are Inferences?

Inference: When something is not stated directly in a text, readers must make an inferences (educated guess based off information).


What is "informational text"?

The way an author organizes and presents ideas in an informational text. 


What is an adjective?

Words that describe something


Identify the grammar:

Miguel coughed loudly.

*hint: 3

Miguel coughed loudly.

Miguel (person)

coughed (verb)

loudly (adverb)


What is "persuasive writing"?

Writing to convince someone to do or feel a specific way. 

EX: In-in-out burgers are better than McDonalds because they are made with fresh ingredients.


What is an "author's purpose?"

His or her reason for writing a text. 


What is sequential?

Author present information about events or steps in a process, in the order in which they take place. 

EX: After the car was invented, highways were built” 


What are Past/ Present/ Future verb tenses?

Past tense verbs: tell about something that happened in the past.

Present tense verbs: tell about something happening right now.

Future tense verbs: tell about something that will happen in the future.


Identify the grammar:

Miss Eileen shouted loudly at the little children.

*hint: 5

Miss Eileen shouted loudly at the little children.

Miss Eileen (noun, person)

shouted (verb)

loudly (adverb)

little (adjective)

children (noun, person)


What is "Narrative Writing"?

Tells a story about something that happened.

Ex: Yesterday Coach made us run five laps because Sam wasn’t listening. 


What does it mean to Persuade, Inform, and Entertain?

Persuade: author wants readers to agree with an opinion. 

Inform: author is supplying facts and data, the purpose might be to inform. 

Entertain: author wants the readers to have fun.


What is "problem and solution" AND "compare and contrast"?

Problem and solution: author's present problem or a series of problems and offer solutions on how to solve them

EX: One way to prevent accidents is to install a stop light

Compare and contrast: author presents information about things that are different, but have something in common. 

EX: The lion and the tiger are both part of the cat family, but they look different.
