Word Study
The Outsiders
Anne Frank
The Holocaust
Because I didn’t understand the chapter, I’ll have to _________read it. A.pre- B.post- C.re-
What is C - re-
The biggest difference between the Socs and the Greasers according to Cherry is A. Race B. Feeling C. Money
What is C. - Money
In Act 2, Scene 1, the Van Daans and Dussel quarrel about who will cut the cake. Which theme does this express? A. Imagination can help one survive difficulties. B. Even when people’s lives are in danger, they can still be preoccupied by petty things.
What is B. Even when people’s lives are in danger, they can still be preoccupied by petty things
The Nazis used euphemisms in order to: A. make people feel better about what they were doing B. to be nice C. disguise the evil things they were doing
What is C. disguise the evil things they were doing
A person or group of people who buy products or services A. consumer B. product placement C. sponsor
What is A. consumer
What does the root struct mean as used in this sentence? Then, they constructed dikes and canals to control flooding and direct the area’s water to choice locations. A. to throw B. to build C. to send
What is B. - to build
What does Ponyboy say is visible on both the East Side and the West Side? A. Sunsets B. Rainbows C. Shooting Stars
What is A. - Sunsets
Later in Act 2, Scene 1, Anne cheers up when she finds that she can talk to Peter. Which theme does this express? A. Danger can bring out the worst in people. B. Having a sympathetic listener can make the difference between misery and happiness.
What is B. Having a sympathetic listener can make the difference between misery and happiness.
Hitler’s “Final Solution” was a euphemism for… A. Gassing unfit workers B. Imprisonment of all of the Jewish people C. Murdering all of the Jewish people
What is C. Murdering all of the Jewish people
An advertisement of a product or service through its use in a TV show or film A. consumer B. product placement C. sponsor
What is B. product placement
DCorporation uses the root corp, which means Instead of paying, one sugar corporation sold back 50,000 acres to the state so that the land could be restored to the Everglades. A. body B. star C. group
What is A. - body
Based on what Randy told Ponyboy in Chapter 7 at the Tasty Freeze, how is Bob like Johnny? A. They hated each other B. They both needed their parents to pay attention to them C. They both were good at fighting
What is B. - They both needed their parents to pay attention to them
“I think more seriously about life now.” Which theme does this express? A.Danger and difficulty can make a person more serious and more mature. B. One should never despair of the good in human nature.
What is A. Danger and difficulty can make a person more serious and more mature.
. In “Terrible Things” the use of animals as symbols for the various groups in the Holocaust is called: A. Allegory B. Symbolism C. Flashback
What is A. Allegory
A specific group a sponsor hopes to persuade; members share characteristics such as age, gender, background, values, or buying habits A. message B. sponsor C. target audience
What is C. target audience
In the sentence below, what does the prefix non- do to the meaning of poisonous? Over recent years, both poisonous and nonpoisonous snake populations have declined drastically. A. changes it to mean not poisonous B. changes it to mean again poisonous C. changes it to mean before poisonous
What is A. - Changes it to mean not poisonous
Ponyboy explains the meaning of a few words Greasers use so that we, as readers will know exactly what he means when he uses them. He states, “Tough and tuff are two different words.” According to Ponyboy, what does tuff mean? A. Rough and rugged B. Mean and sneaky C. Cool and sharp
What is C. - cool and sharp
In Scene 3, Mr. Van Daan is discovered stealing bread, and Mrs. Frank wants to throw him out. Which theme does this express? A. Danger can bring out the worst in people. B. Having a sympathetic listener can make the difference between misery and happiness.
What is A. Danger can bring out the worst in people.
What are the animals a symbol of in “Terrible Things”? A. Nazis B. Jews C. German Soldiers
What is B. Jews
A company or individual that pays to advertise a product or message A. target audience B. sponsor C. message
What is B. sponsor
If you were going to re-word the sentence and take out the prefix un-, the best replacement would be: Some have suggested raising roads and creating overpasses so water can flow, undisturbed, beneath them. A. flow, again disturbed, beneath B. flow, before disturbed, beneath C. flow, not disturbed, beneath
What is C. - not disturbed
Nature's first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf's a flower; But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay. Which of the following is the best analysis of the poem? A. Life and innocence is fleeting, like the seasons, or the time spent in Eden. Nothing that is young, pure, and innocent can last for very long before we must grow up or move on. B. Nature has many colors, from green in spring to gold in fall. C. The Garden of Eden is where Adam and Eve lived until the dawn turned into day.
What is A. - Life and innocence is fleeting, like the seasons, or the time spent in Eden. Nothing that is young, pure, and innocent can last for very long before we must grow up or move on.
“You know what I do when it seems as if I couldn’t stand being cooped up for one more minute? I think myself out.” Which theme does this express? A.Imagination can help one survive difficulties. B. Even when people’s lives are in danger, they can still be preoccupied by petty things.
What is A.Imagination can help one survive difficulties.
What were propoganda posters used for during World War II?
What is - many possible answers.
A short, memorable phrase used in advertisements. A. consumer B. product placement C. slogan
What is C. slogan