What is an adjective? Give example.

A word that describes a noun.

Eg: Tall boy


Find out the adjectives in each sentence-

1. Lily played on the beach yesterday.

2. Rufus slowly placed a card on the card house

1. Lily played on the beach yesterday.

2. Rufus slowly placed a card on the card house


BONUS- 100 PTS!!!



Use 'and' or 'because' to join the sentences:

Blair is pretty. 

Blair is intelligent.

Blair is pretty and intelligent


Name two books we read this year!



Write a sentence with two adjectives in it. Underline the adjectives.

The girl is smart and beautiful


What is an adverb? Give example.

A word that describes an action word/ verb.

Eg: Dan swam fastly.


Find out the nouns and verbs:

boat, sail, football, puppy, canada, travel, drink, sing, desk, paper, box

Noun- boat, football, puppy, canada, desk, paper, box

Verb- sail, travel, drink, sing


Join the sentences with suitable conjunctions.

1. Serena is afraid of heights. She will not go on the roller coaster. 

2. A tree fell across the road. There was a violent storm last night. 

1. Serena is afraid of heights so she will not go on the roller coaster.

2. A tree fell across the road because there was a violent storm last night.


1. A side ________ of the medicine is drowsiness. (affect/ effect)

2. Will the new law ______________________ small businesses? (affect/ effect)

1. Effect

2. Affect


I ate large two slices of pizza. 

Rewrite the sentence so that it is correct. Also underline the adjective.

I ate two large slices of pizza.


Maria finally finished her homework.

1. What is the adverb in the above sentence?

2. What verb does this describe?

3. The adverb describes ________ Maria finished her homework. (how/when/why).

1. finally

2. finished

3. when


Find the verbs in the sentences below:

1. Nate hits the baseball over the fence. 

2. Dr.William examines his patient.

1. Nate hits the baseball over the fence. 

2. Dr.William examines his patient.


Chuck forgot his math book, so he was unable to complete his homework. 

What is the cause and effect in the above sentence?

Cause: Chuck forgot his math book

Effect: He was unable to complete his homework.


Fill in the blanks with a/an/the:

1. Vanessa saw ____ hourglass on the shelf.

2. Jenny and I watched ___ hilarious movie.

3. Can you help me find ____ entrance to the school?

1. an

2. a

3. the



Create a riddle of your own using adjectives

What is _______?

What is _______?

What is ________ and _________ and ________?

What is soft?

What is brown?

What is smiley and cuddly and fun?


Dan slowly walked across the long bridge.

1. In the sentence above, the word ______ is an adverb because __________. 

2. In the sentence above, the word ________ is an adjective because ____________.

1. slowly, it describes the verb-walked.

2. long, it describes the noun-bridge.


The owl flew to its nest . 

1. In the sentence above, the word _____ is a noun because _____. 

2. In the sentence above, the word _____ is an action verb because _______.


1. nest/ owl- thing/animal.

2. flew- action word.


Choose the best conjunction to complete each sentence

1. Lindsay __________ Jennifer are sisters. 

2. Sean wanted to learn to play the guitar, __________ his mother wanted him to learn piano.

3. Which is your favorite holiday, Halloween __________ Thanksgiving? 

4. We earned twenty-two dollars selling lemonade __________ cookies.  

1. and

2. but

3. or

4. and


Complete with the correct spelling. Did you ____ your report card in the mail?

 A. recieve B. receave C. receive D. receeve

C. Receive


Read the poem below and find out all the adjectives:

Do you need an adjective? Ours are all on sale. Glamorous and gloomy. Funny, fierce, and frail. Quirky, quaint, and quiet. Tender, true, and tart. Rusty, rough, and rotten. Shaggy, sweet, and smart. 

We can find an adjective to match with any noun. Your descriptive writing will become the best in town! 

Do you need an adjective? Ours are all on sale. Glamorous and gloomy. Funny, fierce, and frail. Quirky, quaint, and quiet. Tender, true, and tart. Rusty, rough, and rotten. Shaggy, sweet, and smart

We can find an adjective to match with any noun. Your descriptive writing will become the best in town! 


My Adverb Poem!

Laugh ______!

Run _________!

Smile ________!

Dance ________!

Play ________!

Rest _________!

(Hint: Use adverbs that end with -ly. Eg: amazingly)

happily, quickly, beautifully, gracefully, joyfully, peacefully.


Read the poem below and look for verbs :

I jump. I shake. I dance. I hop. 

I like to move. I cannot stop.

I run outside. I leap. I skip.

I bounce. I slide. I swing. I flip.

But I’m still careful! I don’t trip!  

How many verbs are there? Find all of them.


I jump. I shake. I dance. I hop

I like to move. I cannot stop.

I run outside. I leap. I skip.

I bounce. I slide. I swing. I flip.

But I’m still careful! I don’t trip!

BONUS- 500 PTS!!!!!!!!



Edit the following paragraph: 

On sunday, Anthony went over to Nicks house to play basketball. They played a gam of one-on-one. Anthony made six baskets, bute nick made eight. Nick was the winner. After the game, both boys whent in side to have some snack’s and watch television.

On Sunday, Anthony went over to Nick's house to play basketball. They played a game of one-on-one. Anthony made six baskets, but Nick made eight. Nick was the winner. After the game, both boys went inside to have some snacks and watch television.
