What is the past tense (preteritum) of the verb "do"?
Compare the adjective! Good, better, ______?
Good, better, best
What´s the difference between "he", "him" and "his"?
he = han
him = honom
his = hans
Translate the words: when, why, where, how and what
when = när
why = varför
where = var
how = hur
what = vad
A or an?
The elephant is a animal?
The elephant is an animal?
The elephant is an animal? (eftersom a kommer före ett konsonantljud och an kommer framför ett vokalljud)
What is the past tense (preteritum) of the verb "make"?
Compare the adjective! Much, more, _____?
Much, more, most
What´s the difference between "who" and "which"?
Who = vem (personer)
Which = vilken (saker)
Translate the words: Millions of tourists visit Los Angeles every year.
Miljontals av turister besöker Los Angeles varje år.
Who or which?
I called for Sally, who was closest to me.
I called for Sally, which was closest to me.
I called for Moon, who was closest to me. (eftersom who syftar till personer, which till saker)
What is the past tense form (preteritum) of the verb "think"?
Compare the adjective! Dark, _______?, _______?
Dark, darker, darkest
What is the difference between "run" and "running"?
run= springa
running = springer (pågående, just nu)
Translate: Going to church on Sundays is very common in the USA.
Att gå i kyrkan på söndagar är väldigt vanligt i USA.
Do or does?
He do not talk about it.
He does not talk about it.
He does not talk about it. (eftersom vid he, she, it blir det s efter verbet - third person S)
Regular verbs! Name all three in English: prata, pratade, pratat
Talk, talked, talked
Compare the adjective! Interesting, __________?, ___________?
Interesting, more interesting, the most interesting
Time: What is the difference between "am" and "pm"?
am = morgon/förmiddag, från kl 00.00-12.00
pm = eftermiddag/kväll, från kl 12.00-00.00
Translate: Then total blackness and frightening silence.
Sedan var det totalt svart och skrämmande tystnad.
There is or there are?
There are two spiders in the kitchen!
There is two spiders in the kitchen!
There are two spiders in the kitchen!
(eftersom there is syftar på 1 och there are syftar på 2 eller fler)
Irregular verbs! Name all three i English: skriva, skrev, skrivit
Write, wrote, written
Compare the adjective! Expensive, _________?, _________?
Expensive, more expensive, the most expensive
Apostrophe: What is the difference between "it's" and "its"?
it's = it is / det är (it´s sunny outside)
its = dess, dens, sin (the dog is eating its food)
Translate: New Delhi, the capital of India, is one of the most polluted cities in the world.
New Delhi, huvudstaden i Indien, är en av världens mest förorenade städer.
Some or any?
Did you find any apples?
Did you find some apples?
Did you find any apples?
(eftersom någon, något, några heter any i frågor och nekande satser. Some används i övriga fall, som exempelvis: I will have some potatoes!)