Literary Elements
Literary Elements II
"The Devil and Tom Walker" - Irving
"The Cask of Amontillado" - Poe
Reading Strategies
More Short Story Elements
The turning point, or often times the highest emotional moment, of the story is known as
What is the climax?
The method a writer uses to develop the qualities and personalities of the people in the story is known as...
What is characterization?
What point of view is the "Cask of Amontillado" written in? How do you know? Does this make the narrator reliable or unreliable? Why?
When you react or respond to different parts of the story, this is also known as
The main character in a literary work is called the
What is the protagonist?
Person vs. person, person vs. nature, person vs. society and person vs. self, are all examples of
What is conflict?
The time and place in which the events of a narrative occur are also known as the...
What is setting?
The noise lasted for several minutes, during which, that I might hearken to it with the more satisfaction, I ceased my labors and sat down upon the bones." Put the quote into your own words and explain why it is important to the plot of "Cask of Amontillado."
-Montressor is listening to Forturnato suffer - M rests while Fortunato is dying; chained; fighting for his life -M does not kill him slowly; he takes his time...brick by brick, layer by layer...even here we see M taking a break while Fortunato struggles most. - It is extremely dark and more disturbing (the more you think about it)
Make an educated guess about what will happen next by combining clues in the story...
What is predict?
When a reader is directly told about a character's personality, this is known as
What is direct characterization?
When a narrator provides clues or hints about what is going to happen next or later in the story or narrative, this is know as....
What is foreshadowing?
A sequence or series of related events selected by an author to present and bring about the resolution of some conflict or problem is known as...
What is plot?
Fortunato is dressed like a fool, and Montresor wears a “mask of black silk.” Explain why these costumes are appropriate for the roles they play in the story. How are they representative of their “character types?” Use details from the story to support your opinion.
- Fotunato - dressed like a fool; drunk; gullible...falls quickly for M's tricks - F doesn't see anything wrong with the fact that M pulls a trowel out of his cloak the night of a costume party? - F blindly walks into a dark recess and is subsequently overtaken? Even at the end of his life, F thinks it is a joke (quote). Montressor - dresses in black; easy to hide among shadows outside, blend in, go unnoticed; also it is representative of his soul - black, dark, evil, insane, etc. Black is often associated with death/dying...and that is what M brings - death to F.
Drawing parallels between the people, places, and events in the story and the people, places, events in your own life is known as...
What is CONNECT?
The central message, main idea, underlying meaning, or central understanding of life in a literary work is known as the...
What is the THEME?
What is the literary device typically used to appeal to our five senses in order to create visual representations, images, mental pictures, or ideas in the minds of readers?
What is IMAGERY?
When a reader comes to know characters through feelings, actions, speeches, thoughts, as well as the observations and the reactions of others, this is known as...
What is indirect characterization?
What inferences can you make about how each of the following images supports – or are examples of - characterization and/or mood? • the trees and the swamp (lines 40–47) • the hewn trees (lines 96-102) • Tom’s new house (lines 270–272) • Tom as a churchgoer (lines 279–289)
Asking yourself questions to help clarify the meaning of the story as you go along is known as
The tension, problem or issue to be solved; or the struggle between two opposing forces is also known as
What is conflict?
The literary term for an interruption in the story that tells you something that happened earlier in a narrative work.
What is a flashback?
The author's choice of a narrator for a story is know as
What is point of view?
Compare Character Traits - As Tom gets older, he begins to worry about his actions and becomes “a violent churchgoer.” But does he really change? Support your opinion with examples from the text.
Married Tom's Character: Tom's character after the deal with Devil: Tom as he gets older:
Pausing every page or two to think about your reading is known as...
What is REVIEW?
A story that is told, written, or acted out is known as a
What is narrative?