People have come to rely on plastic bags for everything: from grocery totes, to trash-can linners to lunch bags.
option 1 change linners to liners.
option 2 insert a comma after liners
However, thank’s to the idea of one man and the hard work of many volunteers, this situation is changing.
What change needs to be made to this sentence?
Change thank's to thanks.
"Well, you could cut the silence with a knife. The clerk hemmed and hawed while they stood there lookin’ back at him real innocent and peaceful, and finally he said, “You’ll have to pay in advance.”
What does the figurative language mean?
The scene was very tense
A food chain is a link between plants and animals. It starts with a plant. The next part of the link is a plant eater. When the prairie plants were uprooted, the animals that depended on them lost their food source. So while the farmers produced more food for people, they broke the animals’ food chain.
Look at the topic sentence. What is the first part of the food chain?
A food chain starts with a plant
The answer to the prompt statement that directly responds to the question being asked and a requirement for all essays?
What is a thesis statement?
And in 1998, plastic bags that were blocking sewers, and drains in Bangladesh contributed to devastating flooding.
What correction should be made to this sentence?
delete the comma after 'sewers'
Him and his family left the war-torn country in the early 1980s, but before leaving, Kay saw many of his fellow Ugandans struggling to survive in refugee camps.
What correction should be made to this sentence?
What is change him to he.
Far from either shore it hits me that my daughter is a young woman, and suddenly everything is a metaphor for how short a time we are granted on earth: the red boats on the blue-black water, the russet and gold of late summer’s sunburnt grasses, the empty blue sky.
What does the word russet mean in this selection?
What is yellowish-brown or reddish-brown in color.
A food chain is part of a bigger system called a food web. That web links the living things in an ecosystem. The herbivores in that system depend on the plants. If the plants are removed, the herbivores cannot survive.
What do herbivores do?
What is eat plants?
Informative Essay, Argumentative Essay or Letter.
What is this in STAAR
One of the three types of essays you may be given
But these bags didn’t come into widespread use until around 1980, and before that time people got along just fine without it.
What correction should be made to this sentence?
change it to them.
This simple question led to the founding of a nonprofit organization the Global Soap Project.
What is the missing word in this sentence?
Option 1: add the word 'called' before the words "the Global Soap Project."
Option 2: add a comma after organization
My father was the perfect dad; he thought like a kid, but he was bigger than a bully. In fact, he was larger than life, older than the other dads but weirdly young, with a shoulder bunged up in World War I, and a Harley-Davidson he rode to work on mornings the Packard’s engine wouldn’t turn over. A big guy with a big grin and lures on his fishing hat.
What can you infer about the author's relationship with his father in this paragraph?
What is the author and his dad were close and loved each other.
"The new law gave us some clout, but it didn’t give us our motivation,” said Jody Conradt."
What is the definition of the word clout in this sentence?
In the RACE writing strategy, R+A mean
Restate and Answer
They enjoyed playing video games, bowling, and watched movies together.
What is the most effective way to revise this sentence to make all its parts sound the same?
Change it to: They enjoyed playing video games, bowling, and watching movies together.
This inovative program is bringing an important disease-fighting tool to people around the world.
What correction should be made to this sentence?
Change inovative to innovative.
Every year when I was a child, a man brought a big, black, squeaking machine to school. When he discovered I couldn’t hear all his peeps and squeaks, the nurse would draw a chart , then I would listen to the squeaks two or three times, while the adults—who were all acting very, very nice—would watch me raise my hand. Sometimes I couldn’t tell whether I heard the noises or just imagined them, but I liked being the center of attention.
What can you infer about the author based on this paragraph?
What is that she is hard of hearing (deaf)?
Informative Essay, Argumentative Essay or Letter.
What is this?
The different styles of essays you may be asked in STAAR
He used a wheelchair to get around. He communicated through a sophisticated computer system that responded to his eye movements.
What is the best way to combine these sentences into one?
He used a wheelchair to get around and communicated through a sophisticated computer system that responded to his eye movements.
As the clerk placed her purchase in a plastic bag, I couldn’t hardly help wondering how long it would take for that bag to end up in the trash.
What correction should be made to this sentence?
Delete the word 'hardly.' "I couldn't help wondering"
There is a reason Gogol doesn’t want to go to kindergarten. His parents have told him that at school, instead of being called Gogol, he will be called by a new name, a good name, which his parents have finally decided on, just in time for him to begin his formal education.
What can you infer about Gogol based on this paragraph?
he doesn't want to be called by a new name.
Everyone knows yawning is contagious. If you yawn, someone else will probably yawn shortly thereafter. As I did the research for this column, I noticed that nearly every article about yawning pointed out that just reading the article itself could make you yawn. Even your dog will yawn if it sees you yawning.
What the purpose of this paragraph?
to inform about yawning
After each quote (evidence) you insert in the essay, what should you do?
You should explain using your own words. If possible write three lines of original writing after each quote you use.