Contains stanzas and rhyme scheme
What is rhyming verse?
What is lyrical poetry?
a thousand words
What is a picture (imagery) worth?
"And miles to go before I sleep,
Miles to go before I sleep."
What is anaphora?
a wow for sadness
What is melancholy?
What is blank verse?
Tells a story.
What is narrative poetry?
"The wind pried
with its stiff fingers
at the very foundations..."
What is personification?
Oh Shakespeare! Please inspire me to write a valentine's day sonnet.
What is apostrophe?
What Shakespeare would call a boat.
Contains no stanzas and no rhyme scheme
What is free verse?
Robert Frost.
Who wrote "Stopping by Woods on a Snow Evening"?
Love is a battlefield.
What is a metaphor?
O Romeo, O Romeo--where art tho Romeo?
Whose woods these are I think I know. A
His house is in the village though; A
He will not see me stopping here B
To watch his woods fill up with snow. A
What is rhyme scheme?
Mary Oliver
Who wrote "The Journey"?
Screaming silence
What is oxymoron?
Leaf subsides to leaf.
So EDEN sank to grief.
So dawn goes down today...
Nothing gold can stay.
What is an allusion?
A prefix that means above.
What is super-?
What is the root of the word VERSE?
Tell the / their truth.
What do poets do?
yo, CHILL-OUT! You are GETTING ON MY NERVES so just STEP-OFF dude.
What are idioms?
Eat, drink, play, be merry!
What is asyndeton?
a word that means take out. You should ____ superfluous words from your writing.
What is Omit?