It's raining cats and ______.
I'm going to relax and just be a couch _______.
What is a potato?
______ is money.
What is time?
I was in the wrong _____ at the right time.
What is place?
Also can be wrong place/wrong time.
When one _____ shuts, another one opens.
When God closes a ______, he opens a window.
What is a door?
The early bird catches the ______.
What is a worm?
I don't like opera music. It's not my cup of _____.
What is tea?
Be careful with that vase. It cost me an arm and a _______.
What is a leg?
Even a broken ______ is right twice a day.
What is a clock?
To get a good job, you first need to get your _____ in the door.
What is a foot?
He's the black _____ of the family.
What is a sheep?
The exam was easy. It was a piece of _____.
What is cake?
Printer ink is so expensive! It's worth its weight in ______.
What is gold?
Time flies when you're having _____.
What is fun?
Home is where the ______ is.
What is heart?
Curiosity killed the ______.
What is a cat?
Sometimes, I feel like a _____ out of water.
What is a fish?
Stray cats are everywhere. They're a ______ a dozen.
What is a dime?
Be careful. It's better ______ than never.
What is late?
Rent is going through the ______!
What is roof?
The straw that broke the _______'s back.
What is a camel?
What is milk?
My mom and dad ______ the bill for the car, I just have to pay insurance.
What is foot?
I only go to the casino once in a blue ______.
What is a moon?
What are cows?