A figure of speech comparing two unlike things using "like" or "as"
What is a simile?
The author's choice and use of words in a given piece of writing
What is diction?
Denotation is the dictionary definition of a word.
_________ is the emotional implication(s) of a word.
What is connotation?
A type of poem that expresses overwhelming praise to a particular subject
What is an Ode?
The character of Sebastian is present in this Disney film
What is The Little Mermaid?
An underlying message about life or human nature that an author wants their audience to understand
What is theme?
A style of formatting for academic writing; Helpful when citing multiple outside sources
What is MLA?
A body paragraph must contain these 3 elements
(you must name all 3 to get points)
What are a topic sentence, evidence, and reasoning?
A group of lines in a poem that are organized together by a recurring pattern of rhyme and meter
What is a stanza?
Name the movie in which these lyrics appear:
"Tale as old as time / True as it can be / Barely even friends"
(100 bonus points if you sing part of the song)
What is Beauty and the Beast?
Figurative language that appeals to one ore more of the five senses
What is imagery?
A brief reference made in the body of an essay that indicates the original source of an idea; Typically found after a quotation
What is an in-text citation?
_______ is the atmosphere the author creates for the reader.
_______ is the attitude an author has toward a particular subject or topic within the text.
(*Answer must be in the correct order*)
What are mood and tone?
A type of poem that expresses overwhelming feelings of grief and loss for a particular subject
What is an Elegy?
The uncle that kicked off Simba's journey with the help of come giggling sidekicks
An author's use of hints or clues to suggest or allude to events that will occur later in the story
What is foreshadowing?
A format of writing that is designed to condense ideas into a manageable paragraph; Referred to as this acronym
What is a CER?
There are two types of characterization:
________ & ________
What are direct and indirect?
An overarching comparison made throughout the entirety of a poem; AKA an "extended metaphor"
What is a conceit?
Member of the Madrigal family whose name is avoided at all costs
Who is Bruno?
A literary device that uses objects, people, or actions to represent something more than their literal meaning
What is symbolism?
Provided to an audience by an author to fill in any possible gaps in knowledge; They can't expect readers to know everything!
What is context?
If you do not know the meaning of a word, you should use _______ _______ from the text to figure it out before grabbing a dictionary!
What are context clues?
What is iambic pentameter?
Name all 7 dwarves.
Who are Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, and Sneezy?