What is a Narrative and what are the three things it does.
A narrative tells a story. It tells what happened, how it happened, and why it happened.
Define denotation and give an example.
Denotation is the literal dictionary definition. Ex: A window is an opening in a wall to see through.
In an Argument Essay you need to make sure you do not or have a limited amount of this.
What is bias.
What are the two formats you could write an Argument Essay in?
Block Format and Point-by-Point format
Define condescend.
Show feelings of superiority. To talk down to someone.
Define repetition and explain why it is used.
Repetition is the action of repeating something that has already been said or written. This is used to add emphasis of what is trying to be explained or said.
Define connotation and give an example.
Connotation is an idea or feeling that a word invokes in addition to its literal or primary meaning. Ex: Family can mean forever, pain, love, hate, etc.
This argues whether or not something should or should not be instituted. Give an example.
What is Claim of Policy. Ex: There should be a dress code in schools.
These go after direct quotes, paraphrases, and summaries in a paper.
What is an in-text citation?
Define pop culture.
The entirety of ideas, perspectives, attitudes, memes, images, and other phenomena that are within the mainstream of a given culture.
This is used as comparison between two things, typically on the basis of their structure and for the purpose of explanation or clarification. It goes further than a metaphor or similie.
What is an analogy.
Define comparison. Give an example.
It is when you estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between people, places, and/or things. Ex: you might compare city life to farm life to look at the differences.
This is called acknowledging the opposition and what comes after it.
What is the counter-argument and rebuttal.
Explain the process of paraphrasing.
Read the original quote a few times until you understand it. Set it aside. Write what you think it means in your own words. Then look back at the original to make sure you did not miss anything and that you convey the main point. Also, make sure that you did not write word for word what the original passage said.
Define hypocritical and give an example.
When a person says they have certain morals or values, but then does not act on them. Ex. If your dad tells you not to get angry at something/raise your voice, and then later gets angry himself/raises his voice, then he is being hypocritical.
Define metaphors, similies, and personification. Give an example of each.
Metaphor: Comparing two things not using "like" or "as." Ex: Time is a thief. Similie: Comparing two things using "like" or "as." Ex: As blind as a bat. Personification: Giving something humanistic qualities. Ex: The wind screamed through the window.
List 3 ways you can define a word with different connotations.
Describe it Tell stories about it (anecdotes) Compare and contrast it to other things Give examples of it Classify it and identify its unique properties Describe causes and effects of the items being defined Explain its process of functioning
1. What you are trying to prove, found in your topic sentences. 2. Support for what you are trying to prove (stats, facts) 3. What connects these two together in your paper.
What is claims, data, and warrants
What are the three ways a colon can be used.
A colon can be used as a list, an explanation (definition), or illustration.
What two things do you need to bring to the exam tomorrow? Explain what their functions are.
What is an outline and works cited page. An outline maps out what you are going to write about. A works cited page shows where your sources came from.
List the three 3rd person point-of-views and describe each one.
Third person omniscient- godlike perspective/ knows everything and everyone insides and out. Uses "he," "she," "it," "they." Third person objective- tells the story without describing any character thoughts, opinions, or feelings. Third person limited- limited to the thoughts of one particular character, often the protagonist.
Define synonyms and antonyms. Give me a synonym and antonym of the word: resentful.
Synonyms mean words with similar meaning. Antonyms mean words with different meanings. Synonyms: cold, bitter, hateful Antonyms: helping, nice, kind
What are the three persuasive tools that must be present in an Argument Essay. Explain how the author would use each persuasive tool.
Ethos- show he/she is trustworthy by citing sources and acknowledging the counter-argument. Pathos- the writer tap's into the reader's emotions. Logos- the writer uses facts and statistics to back up his/her claim.
What are 5 of the 8 things a Works Cited page needs?
Citations Alphabetical Order Double-spaced Times New Roman Size 12 font Hanging-Indent Title Last Name with page number
List three of your favorite articles we read from each unit (Narrative, Definition, Argument).
Narrative- When Afghanistan was at Peace/ How I Got Smart/ Momma, the Dentist, and Me/ Facing Famine/ What's in a Name Definition- The Company Man/ What is a Winner?/ What is Poverty? Argument- The Case Against College/ Texting Make U Stupid